Page 3 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
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             “THE ENDANGERED KAKAPO                                                 Tel 0117 314 7366
               IS THE WORLD’S HEAVIEST                                              Post BBCWildlife Magazine,Immediate
                                                                                    Media Company,2nd Floor,Tower House,
                 PARROT AND THE ONLY                                                Fairfax Street,Bristol BS1 3BN
                                                                                    SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK ISSUES
                  ONE THAT CAN’T FLY.”                                              UK phone number 03330 162 121
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                     Find out more on p74                                           Email
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                                                                                    SUBSCRIBER UPDATE From 2 August 2017 we
         Welcome...                                                                 will be moving our customer service operations.
                                                                                    This will not affect your magazine subscriptionff
                                                                                    and you don’t need to take any action. From
                       For many years we’ve  environment. So, a lot of what Jonathan  this date your personaldata together with any
                                                                                    other data relating to your subscription will
                       keptanaquarium       Balcombe says about fish on p28 came
                                                                                    be held and processed by our trusted partner
                       with freshwater,     as no surprise. It’s easy to dismiss them Limited of 3 Queensbridge, The Lakes,
                                                                                    Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 7BF.
                       captive-bred fish.    as unfeeling because they have no facial
                       We’re careful not to  expressions, but our fish recognise us  OTHER CONTACTS
                       over-stock, to choose  when we’re near – they don’t flee as they  App support immediateapps@
                       appropriately sized  do when strangers approach – and they   Ads Neil Lloyd01173008276;
         fish for the space in the tank, and keep  can tell the time, settling in a sleeping
                                                                                    Syndication Emma Brunt 0117 314 8782;
         small shoals of gregarious species  pose mid-evening whether it’s summer
         and only singles of fish that naturally  or winter. And I swear one gets regular
         lead solitary lives. Watching them is a  fun from flicking his tail and showering  FACEBOOK AND TWITTER
         pleasure, and therapeutic after a busy  my husband while he’s feeding them.
                                            You can almosthear him chuckle.
         day. In return, I hope we give them a
       Andrew D gby  good life, free from stress and predators,  Sheena Harvey Editor
         with regular food and a healthy

         Contributors                                                               ImmediateMediaCompanyBristolisworkingtoensurethatallofits
                     RALPH                HELEN                  HELEN ROY          This magazine can be recycled, for use in newspapers and
                     STEADMAN             PILCHER                Ecologist Helen is  packaging. Please remove anygifts, samplesorwrapping and
                                                                                    dispose of it at your local collection point.
                     AND CERI             Helen fell in love     passionate about
                     LEVY                 with the kakapo        insects.She says,       Jan–Dec 15
                     “There are           after she saw          “Delving into the       total 35,934
         too many critical critters in the  one trying to mate withMark  world of 7-spot ladybirds is  Apr 14–Mar 15
         world today and their stories  Carwardine onTV.“It’s one  an utter privilege; sometimes  241,000
         show that most face a needless  of the most beautiful birds  shocking,often surprising but
         extinction, ”say illustrator Ralph  on the planet,and a comic  always inspiring.”  ON THE COVER: otter: Michael Durham/FLPA;
                                                                                    kakapo: Andrew Digby; ladybird: Mark Bowler/
         and writer Ceri. See p34  genius,” she says. See p74  See p82    
         August 2017                                                                                  BBC Wildlife  3
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