Page 4 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 4

         CONTENTS                            August 2017                                        SAVE

                                                                                                     WHEN YOU
                                                                                                     SEE P40


           Laurent Geslin
           has spent 10 years
           Eurasian lynx

          Wild                       Features                                              Agenda

          6   Dolphin spotting       20 Otter islands           34 Critical critters       63 Bat hotline under threat
              August isprime time        The Outer Hebrides is a    Artwork from a new         Natural England may
              for cetacean watching      great place to visit to see  conservation book        withdraw funding
                                         these charming mustelids
          8   August highlights                                 43 Your guide to Birdfair   64 Foraging hotspots
              This month look out for  28 Minding Nemo              Event highlights, where    GPSdata reveals where
              common blennies, noctule   Whyweshould respect        your money goes and how    four seabird species feed
              bats, clouded yellows and   and care about fish       to choose the ideal scope  65 Beyond the headlines
              green woodpeckers
                                     32 Black skimmer           61 Win a wildlife holiday      How to secure the future
          11  Hidden Britain             Meet abirdwith oneofthe    Go on a Scilly Isles trip  of beavers in the UK
                                         strangest bills in the world
              Nick Baker encourages      str
              you to search for                                 74   Saving kakapo         66 Mangrove specialists
              piddocks at low tide                                  The species is having its  The early lives of lemon
                                    3 34                            genetic code deciphered    sharks in the Bahamas
          12  Wild events           Artand                          in New Zealand
              Go rockpooling in the dark,  humour                                          69 MarkCarwardine
              attend a reptile rambleand  combine               82   Secrets of 7-spots        Shark finning and what
              make your sightings count                             These ladybirds have       can be done to stop it
                                                                    complex life cycles
          14 Latest science research                                                       70 Heather moorland
                                                                88 Euro cat                    Can this British landscape
              Whale growth spurts,
                                                                    Mesmerising images         only be maintained on the
              spittinggoats and wolves
                                                                    of Eurasian lynx           back of grouse shooting?
              with asense offairness
          4   BBC Wildlife                                                                                 August 2017
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