Page 37 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 37


                                                                                           LARGETOOTH SAWFISH
                                                                                                    Pristis microdon
                                                                                   Four subpopulations of this Critically
                                                                                 Endangered fish exist in the Eastern and
                                                                                  Indo-West Pacific and the Eastern and
                                                                                   Western Atlantic oceans. As sightings
                                                                                  have become rare, demand for its body
                                                                                 parts has increased. Due to its snaggle-
                                                                                 toothed rostra, the sawfish is also prone
                                                                                  to being caught in fishing nets. While it
                                                                                 is now a protected species, stringent law
                                                                                   enforcement is needed to protect this
                                                                                      cartilaginous fish across its range.

         August 2017                                                                                  BBC Wildlife  37
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