Page 33 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 33


                                         inFOCUS             This seemingly       through the water,” says Joanna Burger of
                                                                                   “Their bill is very thin vertically, so it slices
                                                             affectionate Florida
                                                             beach scene hides a   Rutgers University, New Jersey. She has   Thomas Chadwick
                      PECKING                                struggle for survival.  studied the birds for 40 years and describes
                                                             A young skimmer chick,
                                                                                  how they are perfectly suited to fishing trips
                                                             barely able to stand
                                                             at just over a week   for herring or small mullet. “Their skull is
                                                                                  specially adapted so that the force from
                              ORDER                          old, begs its parent for   colliding with a fish does not break their bill.”
                                                             food. It is desperate,
                                                                                   Skimmers are also the only birds known
                                                             having been bullied
                                                             by a brother or sister   to be able to narrow their pupils to vertical
                                                                                  slits, a characteristic that's thought to help
                           Life is most certainly not a beach for   that has taken full   with nocturnal vision, depth perception and
                       young SKIMMER chicks, says Ella Davies.  advantage of hatching   protection of the retina in bright daylight.
                                                             a few days earlier.   Joanna explains that they mostly fish after
                                             Skimmers care for their chicks for up to a   dark but will hunt in the morning or late
                                             month, and with an average clutch of four   afternoon as chicks become older. The rest
                                             eggs, sibling rivalry can be rough.  of their day is spent in social colonies. Nests
                                               Black skimmers, which live along US and   are scrapes kicked into the sand by both
                                             Central American coasts and in much of   males and females. “They switch incubation
                                             South America, have one of the strangest   duties, and both parents protect the chicks
                                                bills in the bird world. Named for their   and feed them,” says Joanna.
                                                  unique feeding technique, they   The young hatch with comparatively
                                                    skim low over the sea, lagoons or   ‘normal’, equal-length bills, so must rapidly
                                                     rivers in search of a meal. That   develop the uneven skimmer shape to be
                                                      distinctive longer lower mandible   able to find their own food as fledglings.
                                                      continually drags through   OElla Davies is a wildlife writer who reports on
                                                       the water and snaps shut on   the weird and wonderful. Watch a video of
                                                       contact with a fish.        young skimmers at

                                                                                                     Feed me: a tiny black
                                                                                                 skimmer chick pleads with
                                                                                                  its parent. Skimmers are
                                                                                                  related to gulls, with two
                                                                                                    other species found in
                                                                                                  Africa and southern Asia.
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