Page 29 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 29




                       Fish have complex inner lives – and yes, they feel pain. So let’s
                          treat them with more respect, says Jonathan Balcombe.

                     ow do you stress a                                           primitive and dim-witted. Having spent five
                     surgeonfish? One way is to                                    years watching fishes, compiling observations
                     abduct her from her home                                     from others and, most importantly, delving
                     and place her in a shallow                                   into a substantial and expanding scientific
                     bucket of water for half an                                  literature, I’ve come to view fishes as complex
                     hour. That’s what a research                                 beings with inner lives – even in some cases
       H team from the University                                                 Machiavellian ones.
          of Lisbon did a few years ago with 16 of
          32 striated surgeonfishes caught on the                                        erhaps our fishy prejudices stem
          Great Barrier Reef. This treatment had the                                    from our expectations that fishes
          intended effect of raising blood cortisol, a                                  must show expressions that we
          standard measure of stress.                                                   associate with having feelings. “Fish
           Then each stressed fish (and some                                     P are always in another element, silent
          less stressed controls) were individually                               and unsmiling, legless and dead-eyed,” writes
          placed for an hour in a separate tank with                              Jonathan Safran Foer in his 2009 bestseller
                                              Fish have feelings: striated surgeonfish are
          a handmade model painted to closely   less stressed when cleaner wrasse are nearby.    Eating Animals. In those flat, glassy eyes we
          resemble a cleaner wrasse. Cleaner wrasses                              struggle to see anything more than a vacant
          provide parasite removal services to   the stressed (and less stressed) surgeonfishes  stare. We hear no screams and see no tears
          surgeonfishes and other ‘client’ species on   were drawn to the mobile model like children   when their mouths are impaled and their
          reefs. They also sometimes pause to caress   to chocolate. They swam over to the model   bodies pulled from the water.
          some clients with their pectoral fins, a   and leaned their bodies against it to receive   Those unblinking eyes – constantly
          gratuitous gesture thought to enhance the   strokes an average 15 times during a session.   bathed in water and thus in no need of
          cleaner’s reputation with favoured clients.  By contrast, if the cleanerfish model was   lids – amplify the prejudice that fishes feel
                                                                                  nothing. The myriad sounds they produce
                                              stationary, it was ignored: zero visits. Cortisol
           When the model wrasse was mechanically
       ; wrasse: WaterFrame/Alamy  rigged to move in a gentle sweeping motion,   levels dropped markedly in the stroked fishes,   underwater, for instance by vibrating their
                                              and dropped in proportion to the time spent
                                                                                  swim bladders or grinding teeth or bones
                                                                                  together, are mostly ineffective in air, and
                                              in contact with the undulating models. (I am
                                              happy to report that all 32 surgeonfishes were
                                                                                  so we are deaf to them. With a deficit of
       ustrat on by Jam e W gna “THIS EXPERIMENT SHOWS   show that fishes may feel upset. It also shows   we are numbed to the fishes’ plight.
                                                                                  stimuli that normally trigger our sympathy,
                                              returned to their reef homes after the study.)
                                               This remarkable experiment doesn’t just
                                                                                   Thanks in part to advances in diving and
                                              that, given the opportunity, they will actively
                                                                                  underwater filming technologies, today we
                                                                                  know far more about fishes than we did a
                                              seek relief via the pleasure of a massage. Such
                                                                                  century ago. Of at least 33,000 fish species so
                                              capacities do not mesh well with the general
                                                                                                      BBC Wildlife
          August 2017                         impression most humans have of fishes as   far described, only a few hundred have been
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