Page 31 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 31


                                                                                  “I HAVE A FRIEND WHO

                                                                                  NEGOTIATED THE RESCUE
                                                    Left: mackerel
                                                    catch; below: a
                                                    diver (holding a              OF THREE LARGE KOI FISHES
                                                    camera) removes a
                                                    fishing hook from              FROM A PUTRID TANK.”
                                                    a shark’s jaws.

                                                                                   Another friend, a biologist, has founded
                                                                                  Fish Feel, North America’s first organisation
                                                                                  dedicated to the protection of our underwater
                                                                                  cousins. Samaritans with buckets hurry to
                                                                                  threatened locales to transfer mud-slicked
                                                                                  refugees from construction sites, drying rivers
                                                                                  and lakebeds. And a growing cadre of intrepid
                                                                                  divers swim with sharks, first earning their
                                                                                  trust, then using belly and face rubs to send
                                                                                  them into a state of hyper-relaxation, and
                                                                                  finally deploying bolt-cutters and pliers to
                                                                                  extract large fishing hooks from their mouths.
                                                                                   And there are those who will simply go
                                                                                  the extra mile for a fish. I have such a friend,
                                                                                  who received an anonymous call, went to the
                                                                                  address, and negotiated the rescue of three
                                                                                  large koi fishes from a filthy, putrid tank
                                                                                  where they had languished for 11 years. She
                                                                                  drove them two hours to a well-kept koi pond
                                                                                  at an Asian restaurant, where they now live
                                                                                  comfortably in the company of their kind.
                                                                                   Lastly, there is love. I have received letters
                                                                                  from people who truly love their fishes. A
                                                                                  college professor from Spokane, Washington
         dying mackerel or a million herring when   concern. A law enacted in 2008 by the   was greeted daily by the goldfish she had
         hoisted and winched aboard, and long-lines   Swiss federal parliament requires anglers   rescued from being flushed. Pearl would
         stretching for miles that have also decimated   to complete a course on catching fish more   swim to the surface to feed from her hand.
         albatrosses and other pelagic seabirds. Not   humanely. The Dutch government has clearly   She described the loss of Pearl, age 17, as like
         only are they cruel – suffocation, crushing and  stated the need for better stunning and killing   losing a beloved family cat or dog.
         decompression are not high on my list of ways  methods for fishes, and the Foundation for   Another professional, from Gainesville,
         to die – our fishing methods are notoriously   the Protection of Fish has begun lobbying to   Florida, developed a game with her blue
         wasteful. About 100 million kilos of dead or   turn those words into action. In Germany,   discus fish in which they chased each other
         dying bycatch (including whales, dolphins   fishing tournaments where the catch is   from each side of the glass. She told me that
         and sea turtles as well as seabirds) are tossed   thrown back in the water after it is weighed   “when I would cup my hands just below the
         back into the ocean every day. Demand for   have been banned, along with the use of   water line, he would turn on his side and
         shark fins and meat has sent many shark   minnows as live bait. In parts of Europe it is   swim up into my hands and just lay there
         populations into a tailspin.        now unlawful to keep a goldfish – a naturally   while I stroked his side.”
                                             social animal that can live 40 years – alone
                                                                                   These are encouraging signs. As rates of
      Grouper and moray eel: Reinhard Dirscherl/Alamy; mackerel:   Paulo Oliveira/Alamy; shark: Speared Apparel/Barcroft Media  N pressure on wild populations   have an ichthyologist friend, a retired biology   life, humanity is flickering toward a more
                  o wonder a 2015 study concluded
                                                                                  education and literacy rise, and as we grow
                                             in a barren fishbowl.
                                               Beyond laws for fishes, there is mercy. I
                                                                                  cognisant of our interdependence with all
                  that we have lost about half of
                  all marine life since 1970. Fish
                                                                                  inclusive era in our relations with other life
                  farming has not relieved the
                                             professor who, growing tired of killing fishes
                                                                                  forms. Basic principles of respect for all
                                             on teaching and collecting expeditions,
                                             invented a portable device that allows fishes
                                                                                  members of our own kind are being extended
         either. Smaller, wild-caught species such as
         herring and menhaden are fed to farmed
                                                                                  to other beings once excluded. Inexorably,
                                             captured in the field to be photographed
         fishes (and to livestock and pets) to satisfy
                                             and released on site. Sales of his teaching-
                                                                                  fishes are being swept into the current.
         diners’ predilection for the flesh of larger,
                                             photographic tank have saved over a
                                                                                        JONATHAN BALCOMBE works for the
         predatory fish – think salmon and tuna.
                                             million individuals from being preserved
           But all is not lost. Fishes are just beginning
                                                                                        a Fish Knows (Oneworld,£12.99).
                                             museum shelves.
         to take their place in our circle of moral
                                                                                                      BBC Wildlife
          August 2017                        in formaldehyde to sit mostly unused on    Humane Society and is author of What 31
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