Page 49 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 49


                                                             The TSN-883 angled
         The basics                                          spotting scope is
         There’s never been a better                         Kowa’s bestseller.
         choice of telescopes for wildlife
         watching, and there’s no better
         place than Birdfair to familiarise
         yourself with what is available.
         Scopes can be ‘straight’, with
         the eyepiece in line with the
         objective (front lens), or ‘angled’,
         with it pointing up. Angled
         scopes take some getting used
         to, but provide comfortable
         viewing, allow a shorter tripod
         and make it easier to share with
         people of different heights.
           Objectives – the big lens at
         the front – range from 50mm
         to 100mm across. A good small
         scope does the job in most
         situations and is lighter and
         easier to carry, which is worth
         considering if you travel and
         walk a lot, but it won’t perform  binocular eyepiece will give a  LOOK FOR        Some scopes have both fine and
         as well in low light. Larger  different visual experience to a                    coarse focusing wheels – this
         objectives let more light in and  single eyepiece.           A SHARP,             is particularly useful at higher
         are recommended if you want to                        BRIGHT IMAGE                magnifications.
         take photos through your scope.  Try before you buy                                Other features to look for
           Many scopes have several  You can’t beat testing kit in   THAT SNAPS            include rotating collars, which
         eyepieces available, but bear  the field – and this is where   INTO FOCUS.”        help when sharing the scope or
         in mind these are normally  Birdfair’s optics marquee really                      viewing from an awkward
         sold separately so can be an  comes into its own. Ideally try                     position, and lens hoods. A
         additional cost. Zooms (such as  the optics in different lighting   close-focus – some eyepieces   stay-on case should allow easy
         20x–60x) are popular, but good  conditions, including poor light.   focus to under 3m, which is   access to the lenses and focusing
         ones can be expensive. If you  Look for a sharp, bright, natural   great for insect-watching.  wheel, and the rotating collar.
         choose a fixed magnification  image that snaps into focus and   Make sure the eyecup stays in
         eyepiece, which will tend to be  has minimal colour fringing   position and isn’t too wobbly, and   DAVID CHANDLER is a
         less expensive, around 30x is  (look for yellow/purple around   that the zoom ring and focusing   natural-history writer and
         good. If it’s a wide-angle, even  pale objects, poles, wires and   wheel(s) move smoothly with   environmental educator.
         better. Swarovski’s new BTX  building edges). Check the   acceptable resistance and travel.   Turn over for scope guide ➤

           ESSENTIAL TELESCOPE ACCESSORIES                                             Camera/phone
           Three handy pieces of kit to use with your new optics.                      attachment
                                                                                       Surprisingly good photos can
           Tripod                                  Hide clamp                          be taken through a telescope
           Every telescope needs a                 This is an easier-to-               nowadays, using a conventional
           decent tripod.This should               carry alternative to a              digital camera or smartphone.
           be stable,portable and tall             tripod that takes up                There are many adapters on the
           enough,ideally without you              less space in a hide,               market to make this easier. If this
           having to extend the centre             but isn’t as versatile.             interests you, make sure there’s
           column.If you want to sit               Simply tighten the                  an appropriate adapter to connect
           on the ground to use the                jaws onto the hide’s                your camera or phone to the scope
           telescope,check that it                 viewing shelf and                   in which you’re interested,
                                                                                       bfore you buy.
           goes low enough with                    adjust the column                   bef     b
           the scope on.Choose a                   height. Can be
           pan-tilt head or,if it’s                bought as clamp
           for photography as                      only (add your own
           well,a 3-way head,                      column and head),
           ideally with a quick-                   clamp and column,
           release plate.                          or as the complete

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