Page 50 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 50





         ON OFFER?

                                              Hawke                               Kowa
                                              PRICE RANGE: £149.99–£699.99        PRICE RANGE: £269–£2,549
                                              Four product ranges and 50/60/65/68/70/  Wide range includes 50/60/66/77/82/
         THERE ARE A RANGE OF                 80/85mm objectives. Vantage range is entry-  88mm scopes, with some top-end
         SCOPES ON THE MARKET.                level. Endurance ED and Frontier ED are   performers. Zoom and fixed magnification
         WE’VE SUMMARISED WHAT                premium models. All angled, though 50mm   eyepieces available. Eyepieces on current
         EACH MANUFACTURER IS                 Endurance also available straight. All zooms   50mm scopes not interchangeable. 1.6x
                                              but fixed magnification option on Endurance.
                                                                                  extender for 77/88mm scopes.
         SELLING TO MAKE YOUR                 BESTSELLER: Endurance range         BESTSELLER: TSN 883
         BUYING DECISION EASIER.         

         Leica                                Nikon                               Opticron
         PRICE RANGE: £2,030–£2,590           PRICE RANGE: £244.99–£3,744.99      PRICE RANGE: £119–£1,168
         Top-end 65/82mm zoom scopes, with 25–50x   Wide range includes 50/60/65/82/85mm   Extensive range of scopes, including 50/60/
         wide-angle eyepiece and coarse and fine   models. Straight and angled options, with zoom   66/70/80mm models and even a 100mm
         focusing. 1.8x magnification extender available.   and fixed magnification eyepieces. Top-end EDG   version. Some straight, some angled, zoom
         Leica’s digiscoping adapters couple various   series includes models with vibration-reduction.   and fixed magnification eyepieces. Includes
         Leica and other cameras to the scope. Extender   DSLR attachment available. Monarch system   50mm and 60mm travel scopes, and new
         available (converts eyepiece to a 45-90x zoom).  includes objective units and prism units.   pocketable image-stabilised travel scope.
         BESTSELLER: APO-Televid 82           BESTSELLER: information not available  BESTSELLER: MM4 60mm       

         Swarovski                            Vortex                              Zeiss
         PRICE RANGE: £1,650–£3,600           PRICE RANGE: £379–£1,529            PRICE RANGE: £1,595 (Conquest Gavia)
         Top-end scopes include conventional   Three ranges with 50/60/65/80/85mm   Conquest Gavia is a 85mm scope with 30–60x
         65/80mm zoom scopes and modular ATX/  objectives, from entry-level to premium. All   zoom eyepiece. Angled only. Adaptor available
         STX/BTX system. ATX/STX are 65/85/95mm   available angled or straight; all zooms. 50mm   to enable use of extensive range of astronomical
         zooms. New BTX binocular eyepiece module   Razor HD (travel scope) and 65mm Viper HD   eyepieces with scope body. Exolens bracket
         gives fixed magnification (30x/35x) with both   have coarse and fine focusing. 2x doubler can   adapters available for phonescoping, as well as
         eyes at once; extender increases magnification.   be used with 50mm Razor HD.   M49, M52 and M58 photo lens adapters.
         BESTSELLER: ATX system               BESTSELLER: Diamondback 80mm        BESTSELLER: Conquest Gavia             
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