Page 11 - Photography_Week
P. 11

F      E     A      T     U      R      E

                                             SHOOT A COLOURFUL MONTAGE

        You need to be able to connect with   was so easy-going and energetic       coloured backdrop. A variety of props,
        your model or actor and capture images   that she was more than happy to pull   such as glasses, hats, or scarves, is also
        that portray their personality. Kirstie   some wacky poses in front of a brightly   useful for conveying a sense of fun.

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                                      ESSENTIAL GEAR

           The right lights and a reflector are essential for capturing effective portraits

          1   THE REFLECTOR                   little too dark. So Ania suggested that   powered and portable, so can be used
             When Ian was shooting Kirstie    Ian use a silver reflector to bounce   just as effectively on location. “They’re
        against the fencing for this outdoor   some of the light back into (and under)   more than capable of lighting my
        shot the shadows were quite dark      Kirstie’s face and chin to brighten   studio and are fully customizable, with
        on her face. This was because the     these areas up a little.              group and channel options available,”
        sun was setting behind her (albeit                                          Ania says. “I trigger them with my
        on an overcast day), which gave a       2   STUDIO FLASH LIGHTS             Godox X1, a TTL radio flash trigger,
        nice-looking glow to her head and           Ania’s studio lights are the    which gives me tremendous range for
        shoulders but left her face looking a   PIXAPRO CITI600s, which are battery-  triggering the lights.”
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