Page 15 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
P. 15

                                                                                                    Budapest’s bathing hub

                                                                                 FLIGHT: We shall be honest, this is not the
                                                                                 world’s easiest journey. With just one stop in
                                                                                 the US, Áights to Lima that are partly operated
                                                                                 Etihad can be had for just over Dhs9,000,
                                                                                 or add another stop to bring it down to
                                                                                 Dhs6,000. The bus journey from Lima to
                                                                                 Arequipa is part of the fun, with airline-style
                                                                                 meals, Àlms and low lighting overnight (or you
                                                                                 can Áy it in just over an hour).

                                                                                    SPRING FOR A TRIP TO BUDAPEST
                                                                                 Did you know that the Hungarian capital took
                                                                                 its name from the fact that one side of the
                                                                                 river is Buda and the other is Pest? Yeah?
                                                                                 Well… so did we. Thanks to its dozens of
                                                              Arequipa Peru with a view
                                                                                 geothermal springs and a huge thermal water
                                                                                 cave system, the city is littered with spas,
      restaurants that serve guinea pig, a local   the Grand Canyon. The city itself is a Unesco   including the largest medicinal bath in Europe,
      delicacy. If, like us, you are horriÀed by the   World Heritage Site.      the huge Szechenyi thermal bath, which is
      idea of eating a cute, squeaky critter, try the   HOTEL: You won’t Ànd much more beautiful   kind of a party spa, if such a thing exists (we
      eatery that is devoted to potatoes (in a country   bang for your buck than La Hosteria   checked, it does). Budapest is one of Europe’s
      that claims to grow more than 3,000 types of   ( at just over   most beautiful cities, and is best-viewed
      the starchy crop). As for the scenery, the Colca   Dhs200 a night – or you could go the   during a river cruise on the Danube in the
      Canyon, on the nearby Colca River, is one of   backpacker route and stay in a beautiful   evening. Culture vultures should not miss a
      the biggest on the planet – and deeper than   colonial hostel for about Dhs35 a night.  trip to the Museum Of Fine Arts, while the city
                                                                      January 31 – February 6 2018 15
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