Page 19 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
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local culture head to G-Walk in the west of
the city. Here you’ll Ànd exclusive bars and
restaurants on one side of the road, and an
array of street food stalls on the other.
HOTEL: Accommodation is extremely cheap
in Surabaya. The top-notch Hotel Majapahit
( with its colonial Toronto One of Canada’s coolest cities
architecture costs about Dhs200 a night.
FLIGHT: Etihad Áies from Abu Dhabi to the island’s airport with the city’s beautiful spinning around and around… and around
Jakarta twice a day from about Dhs3,500. The cityscape in the background). The North (excuse us, we need to leave the room for
Áight from Jakarta to Surabaya cost as little as By Northeast festival in June provides a a moment) during visits to Dubai’s own Al
Dhs100 and takes just over an hour. microcosm of the city’s cultural landscape Dawaar, Toronto’s most famous building, the
with live music, Àlm and comedy festivals, CN Tower, has a revolving restaurant that
GO ISLAND-HOPPING IN TORONTO art shows and events for gamers and digital gives unparalleled views of the city.
This beautiful city sits on the shores of Lake geeks. Twenty or so blocks away across the HOTEL: You can’t go far wrong with The Old
Ontario, a body of water so huge that from Don River is Kensington Gardens, the centre Mill (, an elegant
the shore it looks like a sea without waves, of the city’s hipster community, where you’ll Tudor-style hotel and spa by the Humber River
which is a bit of a mindbender. Take a ferry Ànd quirky restaurants and markets. Dine with rooms from Dhs550 a night.
to Toronto Island and rent bicycles to Ànd in the dark at the city’s Onior restaurant to FLIGHT: Etihad Áies direct to Canada’s
parklands and charming beaches for a little experience a heightened sense of smell, biggest city multiple times a week for about
slice of relaxation during your city-centred hearing and taste. And if you haven’t had Dhs4,800. Or you could Áy British Airways via
break (you can also watch planes land at enough of eating while simultaneously London for a bit cheaper. January 31 – February 6 2018 19