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P. 21
Street Parade
Zurich is famous for them
Valletta Malta doesn’t get much better Zurich Bank yourself a brilliant holiday
GET A CULTURE SHOCK IN VALLETTA Maltese Carnival takes place in February, while Visit in August and the open-air swimming
Does your travel checklist for 2018 include you will Ànd jazz events are on all year round pools, or “badis”, are Àlled with bathers
journeying to another continent and taking in due to musical links established during both both local and visiting. You’ll also catch its
a faceful of culture? Your search may be over. World Wars. world-famous Street Parade, a huge festival of
On January 1, the Maltese capital Valletta HOTEL: La Falconeria hotel dance music that is the biggest techno parade
became the European Capital of Culture. For (, next to the Upper in Europe. Those with expensive tastes should
12 months, numerous musical, theatrical and Barrakka Gardens, is breathtaking but at collect their credit cards and head for the
artistic events will overÁow into its streets. more than Dhs650 a night, is probably the Bahnhofstrasse, known as one of the planet’s
Valletta was founded in 1565 as a refuge for choice of those with bigger budgets. The most expensive shopping streets. It might be
soldiers returning from the Crusades, when Osborne Hotel ( is best to save up for a while before this holiday -
it was given a name translating to The Most equally well-situated at half the price. although at least the bicycle “rental” is free.
Humble City Of Valletta, though humble it is FLIGHT: Turkish Airlines Áies to Malta via HOTEL: The previous statement on spending
not. Its Baroque palaces, gardens and orther Istanbul regularly for prices in the region money applies as much to the price of
glorious structures are world-famous, and of Dhs2,500. your accommodation as anything - though
its beauty is such that has Unesco named it there are plenty of basic budget(ish) hotels
a World Heritage Site. Other than wandering MAKE A SPLASH IN ZURICH and guesthouses. Try the Hotel Olympia
through the city’s narrow streets with your eyes Zurich is well-known as a hub for banking ( for about Dhs400 a night.
on stalks as you take in its grand elegance, and business, but the city also boasts a rich FLIGHT: Etihad has direct Áights to
you should take in the Grand Harbour and visit vein of culture, with outstanding museums, Switzerland’s largest (and arguably wealthiest)
the magniÀcent Upper Barrakka Gardens. The galleries, theatres and symphony orchestras. city for about Dhs2,500. January 31 – February 6 2018 21