Page 24 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
P. 24



                 Abu Dhabi

        Luke Wilson offers his highlights of the 15th edition of the capital’s cultural jamboree

              or many years now Abu Dhabi     Abu Dhabi Music & Arts                         different. This year’s festivities
              has proudly stood as a cultural   Foundation’s labour of love.                 will celebrate the 100th
              powerhouse not only in the UAE but   The debut performance that                anniversary of the birth of the
        F the Middle East as a whole. 2017    year came from the Syrian/  Arts and           UAE’s founding father, Sheikh
        proved a watershed year, not least because of   French concert pianist Racha         Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
        the eagerly awaited opening of the Louvre Abu   Arodaky who was joined on   culture are   The organisers say: “Following
        Dhabi that conormed the capital’s status as   the stage by revered Canadian          Sheikh Zayed’s vision, we believe
        an artistic force to be reckoned with.  cellist Gary Hoffman. Since   at the heart  arts and culture are at the heart
          The Abu Dhabi Festival is looking to tap   that opening act, ADF has               of the nation. They support
        into that piqued interest in the arts, bringing   attracted dozens more from   of the nation tolerance and co-existence, are
        an entertaining, multidisciplinary cultural   across the world, including            the means to further the nation’s
        celebration to the city once more. So what’s it   legendary tenors José              pioneering spirit.”
        all about? Let us enlighten you...    Carreras and Plácido Domingo.
                                                                                      Bring the music...
           In the beginning...                   2018: The “Year of Zayed”         3The highlights of this year’s musical line-
        1The festival orst appeared on the capital’s  2Since 2010, each festival has had a   up are too numerous to mention (this is a
        cultural calendar in 2004, the fruits of the   specioc theme – and the 15th edition is no   “Quick” guide after all) but we especially like
        24 January 31 – February 6 2018
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