Page 25 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
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Get cultured Drink in the art
the sound of leading violinist 20 Emirati artists. Pieces from luminaries
Nicola Benedetti’s concert such as Minimal and Conceptual art founder
with The Orchestra of the Age Sol LeWitt, revered Venezuelan artist and
of Enlightenment (February 19), sculptor Gego and the prolioc Catalan poet,
Deep Work from
Farah Al Qasimi Waves of My Life by the Emirati playwright, graphic designer and visual artist
composer Ihab Darwish (March 14) Joan Brossa will be among those on display.
and a live show by Pink Martini, a “little
orchestra” that spans the genres of classical, Opera rocks...
pop, Latin and jazz (March 21). All three 5Granted, opera isn’t everyone’s cup of
events are being held in the Emirates Palace lapsang souchong but we defy not to get
Auditorium, just to add to the sheer grandeur. excited about the chance to see two of the
genre’s onest vocal exponents come together
Witness the visual arts... for a thoroughly unique performance. Multi
4ADF 2018’s visual arts offering is being award-winning American soprano Deborah
headlined by an Arab-world debut of works Voigt will join forces with acclaimed Lebanese
from the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary tenor Bechara Moufarrej for one night only
Art. From Barcelona to Abu Dhabi (its full (March 15, 8pm) at the Emirates Palace
title is a real mouthful) is being hosted by Auditorium. The latter will be displaying his full
Manarat al Saadiyat from February 2 to March vocal range to the ADF audience as he tackles
17 and will recognise 90 years of pioneering Rossini’s La Danza and Alfredo’s Aria from
Musical treats Pink Martini is just one act contemporary art, with more than 100 works Verdi’s La Traviata. Bellisimo!
to perform at Emirates Palace Auditorium
by over 70 artists from 20 countries, including
Let’s dance...
Tricks of the trade 6Even the most leaden-footed of us like to
Workshops for budding actors have a boogie every now and again but few
do it better than those twirling girls and boys
of Bollywood. And for two nights (March 8-9),
the Emirates Palace Auditorium will be awash
with colour and sound as The Merchants
of Bollywood take to the stage and perform
a medley of routines straight from Indian
cinema. If you’re looking for something less
frenetic and more balletic then the same
venue will also be hosting a double bill of Don
Quixote, as performed by Spain’s famous
Compañía Nacional de Danza on March 29
and 30.
Talking workshops...
7Screen and stage stars of the future are
being shown the ropes by the experts as The
UAE Theatre Circle is in full swing. Running
until February 8, the series of workshops January 31 – February 6 2018 25