Page 32 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
P. 32
Time Out
and pays for
Eating Out its meals.
Eating Out
Airy and stylish Italian restaurant and café
Open Sun-Wed 8am-11pm; look and a busier calendar We’re here at is a roaring
Thu-Sat 8am-1am. Licensed. than ever before. Now it has a breakfast time, so success, all
Manarat Al Saadiyat, licensed restaurant that makes it’s the coffee and light and puffy
Saadiyat Island it a destination for foodies as juices we’re more and coming
(02 657 5888). well as arty types. interested in. A destination with two hunks
Larte occupies an impressive Our latte is of great bread,
hen it comes to space at one end of the venue. served in a cute foor foodies and the Italian
must-visit places There are numerous objets d’art glass, but we’re shakshuka
in Abu Dhabi right dotted around the bright, airy not sure it really as well as is also worth
Wnow, Saadiyat room. Some hanging from the works for the drink arty types checking out.
Island is hard to beat. Louvre ceilings, some – such as the big (and doesn’t seem The difference
Abu Dhabi has captured the red gorilla – greeting you as you to ot a lot in), to usual
minds of the world, not just enter the room. while the Americano is strong shakshuka is that poached eggs
the UAE and the praise and The menu and hot. Not are placed on top of the tomato,
attention its receiving is is Italian, much more onion and pepper base and it’s
absolutely justioed. with plenty is needed. drizzled with pesto.
But, it’s not the only artistic of grape THE BILL (for two) The matcha There’s plenty for kids, too,
hub on the island. NYU Abu and mixed 1x sunny vegetables omelette Dhs38 smoothie is with a dedicated menu and
Dhabi’s Art Centre has been drink options 1x Italian shakshuka Dhs38 a little pricey regular activities and events
staging acclaimed performances (starting at 1x matcha smoothie Dhs28 at Dhs28, perfect for little ones.
and exhibitions for some time reasonable 1x latte Dhs18 but it is good.
now, and Manarat Al Saadiyat prices) and 1x Americano Dhs15 However, THE BOTTOM LINE A lovely
returned last year with a fresh Italian hops. the omelette venue ticking all the boxes.
Total (inclusive of taxes) Dhs137
32 January 31 – February 6 2018