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Dining delight

                                                                                   Far-Eastern pavours

                                                                                   When it comes to Chinese New Year,
                                                                                   the whole world is invited to the party.
                                                                                     So it’s no surprise to find that the
                                                                                   multi-cultural melting pot that is the
                                                                                   Abu Dhabi dining scene is serving up
                                                                                   a unique taste of the Far East.
                                                                                     Trendy Peruvian restaurant Coya,
                                                                                   Time Out Abu Dhabi’s reigning
                                                                                   Restaurant of the Year, will be
                                                                                   creating a special Chinese New Year
                                                                                   dish, Baos con Res Wagyu (pictured),
                                                                                   which comprises a Wagyu short rib,
                                                                                   mantou baos and aji amarillo, for
                                                                                   Dhs82 on Friday, February 16.
                                                                                     Meanwhile, Carluccio’s will be
                                                                                   presenting a special grill menu
                                                                                   to mark the celebrations on the
                                                                                   same day, featuring dishes such as
                                                                                   swordfish (Dhs97), prawns (Dhs88)
                                                                                   and rib-eye steak (Dhs98), all of which
                                                                                   come with two flavoursome sides.
      of Chinese cuisine will be serving up   extravaganza include sugar painting,   If you are after a more authentic
      palate-pleasing fare along the promenade   tea making and paper cutting      taste of the Far East, head to
      from 3pm to 10pm on                                 demonstrations, as       Emirates Palace venue, Hakassan.
      February 15 and 16.                                 well as an exciting      A limited-edition menu has been
        The pinnacle of the                               roaming kung fu-dance    rolled out, crafted by top chefs from
      celebrations will be a                              performance taking place   Hakassan outlets in London, the USA,
      spectacular fireworks     There will be             in The Galleria mall     Asia and here in the Middle East.
      display, which will light                           twice daily for all three   Available until March 24, the set
      up the entire promenade   lots to see, do           days of the colourful    menu (which costs Dhs598 per
      on the Friday with the                              celebrations.            person) includes terrific tastes such
      fantastic pryotechnics        and eat                 There will be lots to   as Szechuan wind-fried oyster with
      soaring into the sky                                see, do and eat on Al    lotus root and crispy rice and main
      at 9pm. Meanwhile, a                                Maryah Island.           courses such as abalone fried rice in
      Chinese art exhibition                                It feels like it has   bean curd wrap with mushroom, plus
      will be on display at The Galleria from   been, well, weeks since we’ve had a   plenty of exotic desserts.
      February 13 until February 26.        proper new year party – we just can’t wait    Happy new year, one and all.
        Other highlights of the island      to do it all over again.
                                                                       January 31 – February 6 2018 5
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