Page 7 - Time Out Abu Dhabi
P. 7


        Dhs12                                                   Bite me

                                Camel Station has marinated chicken in espresso and put it on a pizza

                                                                                                    THE MEAT

                                 THE DOUGH                        Dhs65                            Chicken is marinated

                                The pizza base is made             ONGOING                           in a spicy sauce
                                  using a traditional                                              that includes ground
                                 Neopolitan recipe.                                                  espresso coffee.

                                                                                                  THE SAUCE

                                                                                                  A tomato sauce,
                             THE TOPPINGS                                                        Italian pizza-style.
                             Onions, red and yellow
                             peppers and slices of
                            avocado finish the pizza.             THE PLACE
          Should you                                Camel Station, Marsa Al Bateen (02 626 3646).
           require a
         special run of                      THREE TO TRY   Italian-influenced treats
         copies for an
        event, or have a
        query regarding
          one of our
          theweek@                  CATCH                    PORTER'S ENGLISH PUB                STABLE CAFFE
           timeout       Carpaccio gets a seafood and Asian twist   Layers of Italian meats, turkey breast,   Deep-fried rice balls stuffed with meat or
                         at this restaurant. It's yellowtail and yuzu.   cheese, lettuce and tomato. With chips.    vegetables and cheese. Lovely.
                          fDhs79. Nation Towers, Corniche West   fDhs59. Grand Milennium Al Wahda,   fDhs25. The Walk, Al Seef Resort & Spa,
                                 (02 611 0909).           Hazza Bin Zayed Street (02 443 9999).   Khalifa Park area (02 445 4458).
                                                                       January 31 – February 6 2018 7
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