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The Economist December 9th 2017                                                          United States 31
       2 and support for Mr Moore in the primaries  Child brides             dance for girls and a decline in marriage
        in Alabama’s 67 counties was strongly cor-                           more generally. Virginia, Texas and New
        related with the Trump vote in 2016.  State of the unions            York have introduced laws in the past cou-
           Still, Doug Jones, the Democratic candi-                          ple of years that restrict marriage to legal
        date, has a chance ofvictory. An average of                          adults. Connecticut has banned marriage
        publicly available polls gives Mr Moore a                            before the age of16. In 11otherstateslegisla-
        lead of only 2.3 percentage points. But this                         tion restricting child marriage is in the
        estimate suffers from three big sources of  Fewer14-year-olds are getting married.  pipeline; six of these (Arizona, Florida,
        uncertainty. The first is that polling for Sen-  Butitstill happens   Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and
        ate races is especially unreliable: The Econ-                        Pennsylvania) are consideringa law to ban
        omist’s review of historic polling for such  EXUAL mores change faster than the  marriage under18 with no exceptions.
        races from 1998 to 2014 suggests an average  Slaw does. This has been the case with  Still, it remains startling that between
        error of six percentage points. Second,  child marriage, which is generally defined  2000 and 2015 more than 207,000 minors
        many pollsters do not construct rigorously  as involving those under 18 but also in-  got married, according to an investigation
        representative samples in Alabama, rely-  cludes girls (for almost all ofthem are girls)  by Frontline, a public television pro-
        ing instead on lower-quality methodolo-  younger than 16. Depending on the law in  gramme. More than two-thirds of them
        gies (like focusing on voters with landlines  different states, older men are allowed to  were 17, but 985 were only 14 and ten were
        and ignoring those with mobiles). Third,  marry minors if they get parental consent,  just 12. Human Rights Watch and other ac-
        all polls implicitly forecast which voters  a judge’sapproval,oreven justthenod ofa  tivists are campaigning for a simple sol-
        will show up on election day—something  clerk. Stories about the Republican candi-  ution for all states, which would end the
        especially hard to do in a low-turnout spe-  date for the vacant Alabama senate seat,  patchwork of rules and loopholes: chang-
        cial election.                     Roy Moore, and his pursuit ofteenage girls  ingthe age ofmarriage to 18, with no excep-
           According to conventional wisdom, Mr  when he was more than double their age  tion granted. Jeanne Smoot of the Tahirih
        Jones needs a high turnout among black  have caused disgust, at least among those  Justice Centre, an advocacy group, con-
        votersin orderto win. Theytypically make  who believe the accusers. Legally, though,  cedes that there is a big difference between
        up a quarter of the electorate and heavily  Mr Moore could almost certainly have  a girl of14 and a girl of17, but she points out
        tilt towards the Democrats. He is spending  married even his 14-year-old accuser had  that both have similar legal status. Neither
        the last days of the campaign attending  he wished to do so, since at the time14 was  bride could stay in any kind of shelter, for
        fish fries at black churches, emphasising  the minimum age for marriage under Ala-  instance, if she wanted to escape. And nei-
        his prosecution of two KKK members who  bama state law (it is now16).  ther could file for divorce, work legally or
        bombed a church in Birmingham and ap-  America hasalwaysallowed such child  sign a rental lease.
        pearingwith John Lewis, a civil-rights icon.  marriages, which happen mostly in con-  Surprisingly, opponents of a ban on
        The effectiveness of such efforts remains  servative religious communities and rural  child marriage can be found across the po-
        uncertain: after decades in the political  areas. Yet, as in the rest of the world, the  litical spectrum. On the rightsome libertar-
        doldrums, the Democrats in Alabama are  practice has become much less common.  ians and religious conservatives argue that
        no longer good at mobilising voters in  Whereas 23,500 minors got married in  marriage should be a choice made apart
        statewide contests. According to a knowl-  2000, by 2010 the number had dropped to  from the state; that married minors can re-
        edgeable source, the campaign hopes to  a little over 9,000, reflecting changing so-  duce the numberofsingle motherson wel-
        push blackturnout to 27% ofthe total to be  cial norms, higher rates of school atten-  fare; and that religious customs and prac-
        in with a chance. Evidence from special                              tices need to be protected. On the left, the
        elections earlier this year is not encourag-                         American Civil Liberties Union and
        ing: black voters have made up a smaller                             Planned Parenthood have also defended
        percentage of voters than usual, according                           the practice in the past because banning it
        to numberscrunched atThe Economist’sre-                              would intrude on the right to marry.
        quest by 0ptimus, a Republican-leaning                                 Despite these arguments against a fed-
        data firm.                                                            eral law, the federal government has been
           Instead, the key to a Jones victory is                            a staunch campaigner against child brides
        turnout among whites, which itself de-                               in the developing world. In 2012, Hillary
        pends on whether the scandals around Mr                              Clinton, then secretaryofstate, went on an
        Moore keep people away from the polls.                               11-day tour of Africa. After meeting Graça
        Among white voters, who favour him by a                              Machel, Nelson Mandela’s wife, a cam-
        whopping 35 points, roughly one-third                                paigner against child marriage, Mrs Clin-
        seem to be persuadable by Mr Jones. A re-                            ton affirmed America’s commitment to
        cent survey showed that 71% of Republi-                              ending the practice. Marriage before the
        cans believed the allegations against him                            age of18, she said, meansgirlsare less likely
        to be false (compared with 37% of Republi-                           to get an education and “more likely to en-
        cans nationally). The same poll shows the                            counter life-threatening health problems,
        mind-addling effects ofpartisanship: near-                            which short-changes and short-cuts them
        lyone-quarterofwhite evangelicalsin Ala-                             and sometimes theirlives.”
        bama believe it is legitimate to defend sex                            Africa has made progress since Mrs
        with minors on Biblical  grounds. The                                Clinton’s visit. This year Malawi banned
        Jonescampaign isrunningadvertisements                                marriage under 18. Gambia and Tanzania
        encouraging voters to spoil their ballots, as                        both outlawed it in 2016. For good or ill, de-
        Richard Shelby, Alabama’s senior Republi-                            veloping countries see America as a role
        can senator, has already declared he will.                           model. When Heather Barr of Human
        Faced with the choice between a Democrat                             Rights Watch researched a report on child
        and someone accused of sexually assault-                             marriage in Nepal, several Nepalese asked
        ing teenagers, some might at least compro-                           her why they should abolish child mar-
        mise by stayingat home. 7                                            riage when it was allowed in America. 7
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