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United States                                                             The Economist December 9th 2017 29

                                                                                 Also in this section
                                                                              30 Public lands and Uncle Sam
                                                                              30 Alabama’s special election
                                                                              31 Child brides
                                                                              32 Still promoting Democracy
                                                                              35 Lexington: Chaos and conspiracy

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        Tax reform in context                                                Centre for American Progress, a left-lean-
        What a difference three decades makes                                 ing think-tank, the tax system as a whole
                                                                             reduced the GINI index, a measure of in-
                                                                             equality, by5% before the reform, butby 7%
                                                                               Today’s bill is sharply regressive, de-
                                                                             spite the fact that it barely touches the top
                                                                             rate of tax. That is partly because Mr
        WASHINGTON, DC                                                       Trump’s priority has been taxcuts for busi-
        Howthe Republicans’ taxbill compares with previous reforms
                                                                             nesses, whose ownerstend to be rich. True,
           EPUBLICANS like to say that their tax                             the bill curbs some corporate deductions,
        Rbill, which passed the Senate on De-  Trumped                       such as a tax break for manufacturers, and
        cember 2nd, is the first tax reform since  United States, revenue effect of tax cuts  anotherfordebtinterest. Butthese changes
        1986. PresidentDonald Trump likesto call it  Four-year average*, % of GDP  do not come close to paying for the size of
        the biggest tax cut in history. Mr Trump’s  Reagan  G.W. Bush  Trump  the tax cut that Republicans propose. A
        claim iseasilydisproved (see chart). Yetthe  0.01              0     look at the stockmarket, which soared as
        comparison with the law of 1986, passed                         –    the bill passed the Senate, shows that most
        under Ronald Reagan, is more curious.                      †         businesses can expect to do well.
        There isno doubttoday’sbill, like the older                    1       The third difference between the bills is
        one, contains significant reforms. But the                            their cost. The reform of1986 was revenue
        differences between the two efforts stand                        2     neutral. Today’s effort will cost $1.4trn in
        outmore than the similarities. Theyare not                           forgone revenue by 2027, or $1trn, once its
        quite mirror images of each other—but                          3     likely effect on economic growth is taken
        they are not faroff.                   1981  86  2001  03  2017       into account, according to an official score
           There are three main differences be-  Sources: CBO; Joint  (Senate bill)  ofthe Senate’s bill.
        tween then and now. First, the centrepiece  Committee on Taxation;  *First four years following  For that reason, the better comparison
        of today’s bill is a cut in the corporate tax  Treasury Department  implementation  Forecast  is to Reagan’s tax cut in 1981, which really
        rate, from 35% to 20%. At first glance, this                          does have a claim to be the biggest in post-
        seems comparable to the change to the  the Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think-  war history. That bill, much like today’s,
        levy in 1986, when it fell from 46% to—after  tank, reckons it might have reduced eco-  was sold on the basis that tax cuts pay for
        a brief delay—34%. Yet such was the vol-  nomic growth—a remarkable possibility,  themselves. It contained big across-the-
        ume of deductions that the 1986 reform  given the esteem in which it is held.  board income-tax cuts, and investment in-
        swept away, that it in fact raised average  Second, the reform of 1986 was more  centives for businesses. Over its first four
        taxes on businesses. Notably, investment  egalitarian. Again, this is not easy to spot.  years, it cost a mammoth 2.9% of GDP—or
        incentives were sharply curtailed. Today’s  Reagan’sreform slashed the top rate of per-  rather, it would have done, had lawmakers
        bill expands them, allowing businesses to  sonal income tax almost in half, from 50%  not spent the next few years reversing it in
        deduct the full cost of investments in the  to 28%. By most accounts, this was the  an attempt to get deficits under control. Be-
        year they are made (until 2023). Many  number Reagan cared about most. But a  tween 1982 and 1985 lawmakers passed tax
        economists see these investment incen-  loss of deductions, and the rise in overall  rises worth 1.7% of GDP, according to the
        tives as a powerful stimulus for the econ-  business and capital gains taxes, were  Treasury Department.
        omy. Because the reform of1986 weakened  countervailing forces. And lower earners  Such an about-turn is very unlikely on
        them, and also raised capital gains taxes,  got income-tax cuts, too. According to the  this occasion. That said, the Senate bill’s 1
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