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The Economist December 9th 2017                                                     Briefing South Africa 25
       2 phosa a sizeable lead. But betting against                          cal firms; and if so, whether Trillian was
        Mr Zuma has proved unwise in the past,  Sub-Sub-Saharan Africa  2    doing real work. If it was not, its fee looks
        and there are many ways in which he  GDP per person*, 2009 =100      like a kickback.
        could turn things to his advantage.                                    Trillian’s former chairman asked Geoff
           He could succeed in tippingthe vote his                    120    Budlender, a South African lawyer, to pro-
        way. He might, perceiving his ex-wife’s un-                          duce a report on the matter. McKinsey told
        popularity, change horses. He could cancel                           Mr Budlender that Trillian was not a sub-
        the conference, on the grounds that there                     110    contractor. But a (since departed) McKin-
        are already several legal challenges to the              Africa      sey partner wrote in a letter to Eskom’s
        legitimacy of ANC members and dele-                           105    CEO that “McKinsey has subcontracted a
        gates. Or the conference could collapse              South Africa  100  portion ofthe servicesto be performed un-
        without choosing a successor. Mathews                                derthe agreement to Trillian.”
        Phosa, a member of the ANC executive                          95       David Fine, McKinsey’s global head of
        who is himself a candidate for the presi-  2009 10  11  12  13  14  15  16  public and social sectors, told a South Afri-
        dency, points to the Eastern Cape provin-              *Constant 2011$ at  can parliamentary committee investigat-
        cial ANC conference in September, which  Source: World Bank  purchasing-power parity  ing state capture at Eskom that the letter
        degenerated into a chair-throwing fest: “It                          saying that Trillian was a subcontractor
        will be worse than that,” he says.  EFF’s 8%. The best way for the next leader  wasinaccurate. ButMrBudlenderconclud-
           Whatever happens, more drama will  to boost the party’s chances in 2019 would  ed “that the denial of McKinsey [that Tril-
        follow. The ANC’s popularity is sliding. Its  be to put Mr Zuma on trial. That raises the  lian wasa subcontractor] isfalse. Why they
        share of the vote fell from 62% in the na-  stakes for the president. To avoid that out-  made a false denial is forthem to explain.”
        tional election in 2014 to 54% in local elec-  come, he needs to do his utmost to make  On the question of whether Trillian
        tions in 2016, against the DA’s 27% and the  sure things go his way next week. 7  was doing any real work or not, a former
                                                                             CEO  of Trillian Management Consulting
                                                                             (TMC) who turned whistleblower says she
        Business in South Africa                                             raised concerns that McKinsey’s people
        Global firms and the Gupta connection                                 were not engaging with TMC as the SDP re-
                                                                             quired. She says she was told by a senior
                                                                             McKinsey employee that “regardless of
                                                                             TMC resources allocated to projects, TMC
                                                                             will still get their30%.”
                                                                               Corruption Watch, an NGO, will soon
                                                                             refer the case to America’s Department of
        Big companies are caughtup in “state capture”                        Justice. Its complaint is that “the act where-
                                                                             by McKinsey agreed to partner with Tril-
          EVERAL global firms have had theirrep-  knewabouttheexistenceofa“rogue”unit,  lian solelyforpurposesofobtaining the Es-
        Sutations damaged in South Africa—and  and thatitregretted the impactofits report.  kom contract, underwhatwasdisguised as
        worse. Bell Pottinger, a British public rela-  Mr Gordhan is not mollified. The apology,  a development plan, amounts to an act of
        tions company, was destroyed by its work  he wrote in a newspaper article, did not go  corruption under the [Foreign Corrupt
        for the Guptas. It had branded attacks on  farenough. “The wittingand over-enthusi-  Practices] Act (FCPA).” McKinsey rejects
        the Guptas as motivated by “white mo-  asticcollaboration ofseniorKPMG person-  “anyclaimsthat[we] engaged in bribery or
        nopoly capital” rather than concern for  nel...and their collusion with nefarious  corruption related to ourworkat Eskom”.
        probity. Abandoned byclients, the firm has  characters in SARS, in fact directly contrib-  According to Lord Hain, HSBC failed to
        gone into administration.          uted to ‘state capture’ and gave legitimacy  close Gupta-linked accountsalthough staff
           According to a speech in the House of  to the victimisation ofgood, honestprofes-  in South Africa  warned of suspicious
        Lords by Peter Hain, a British peer, an 84m  sionals and managers.”  transactions. HSBC says that it “has closed
        rand ($8m) grant from the Free State, desig-  As a result of this debacle, the chair-  the accounts of Gupta-associated front
        nated for investment in a dairy farm, was  man, chief executive and chief operating  companies wherever [it has] found them”.
        transferred into the Standard Chartered  officer in South Africa and five partners  The issue has particular salience in Ameri-
        account of a Gulf-based Gupta firm called  have left the firm; KPMG is repayingits 23m  ca, where a five-year deferred-prosecution
        Gateway, then into the account of another  rand fee for the SARS report, and donating  deal resulting from accusations that it
        Gulf-based Gupta company called Accu-  40m rand, all the money it says it has  failed to prevent money-laundering and
        rate Investments(both accountshave since  earned from Gupta-connected firms, to  sanctions-busting runs out this month; if it
        been closed); $2.6m of the money went  education and anti-corruption  NGOs. It  had broken American law again, it would
        back to South Africa, into a firm called  has lost several clients in South Africa.  face a renewed threat ofprosecution.
        Linkway Trading which used it to pay for a  McKinsey got a contract to provide Es-  Afterrevelations in #Guptaleaks, SAP, a
        Gupta wedding. The money was written  kom, the state power utility, with consul-  German software firm, launched an inter-
        off as a business expense. Linkway’s audi-  tancyservices, alongwith Trillian, a firm at  nal inquiry and found that it had paid
        tor was KPMG. The firm has since said its  the time majority-owned by Salim Essa, a  $6.6m in commissions to Gupta-linked
        audit work in the Linkway case “fell well  business associate of the Guptas. The deal  companies for contracts with state-owned
        short ofthe quality expected”.     fell apart after six months, after which Es-  enterprises. It reported itself to America’s
           A report by KPMG also gave credence to  kom paid McKinsey 1bn rand and Trillian  Department of Justice and the Securities
        claims that the research-and-investiga-  564m rand. McKinsey says its work justi-  and Exchange Commission for possible
        tions unit of the South African Revenue  fied the fees; but the main question is not  breachesofthe FCPA, hasdisciplined three
        Service (SARS) had “gone rogue”, which  whetherit should have been paid so much  employees, and will no longer pay com-
        led to charges being laid against Pravin  money, but whether or not Trillian was a  missions to employees who secure con-
        Gordhan, a formerfinance minister. KPMG  subcontractor for McKinsey under the  tracts in countries that score badly on
        has since said that the evidence did not  “supplier development programme” (SDP)  Transparency International’s Corruption
        support the conclusion that Mr Gordhan  which requiresbigcompaniesto engage lo-  Perceptions Index. 7
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