Page 20 - The Economist
P. 20

      20                                                                           The Economist December 9th 2017

                                  indifference, by Brexit fills me  biodegradation, which can be  contentious technologies, and
        Democracyin Zimbabwe
                                  with horrorand some despair  spread on fields to help retain  also raises the economic value
        Thankyou forfindinga “sliver  (“The siren songofno deal”,  waterand nutrients and  offorest products to encourage
        ofhope” in the prospects for  December2nd). It is absolutely  support a healthiersoil  furtherafforestation.
        Zimbabwe (“Fall ofthe     clearthat, as the Irish prime  ecosystem. Because it stores  ROBERT FOSTER
        dictator”, November18th). As  ministerhas pointed-out, the  carbon as a solid, ratherthan a  Senior lecturer
        Zimbabwean citizens and   Brexit clique neveronce con-  gas, it overcomes many ofthe  School of Civil Engineering
        democracy campaigners, we  sidered the impact on Ireland  difficulties associated with  University of Queensland
        are also permittingourselves a  in theirdecade ofplotting. But  injectingcarbon dioxide  Brisbane, Australia
        moment ofoptimism. Where  then they don’t seem to have  underground. It also requires a
        we differfrom The Economist is  considered any ofthe other  much lowercapital cost. A  Trees on farms can substantial-
        in the imperative to hold an  consequences, so we should  numberofcompanies already  ly increase crop yields while
        election based on the current  not be too surprised.  produce biochar, marketingits  also providingotherbenefits,
        timetable orat the earliest  We are therefore left with  ability to raise crop yields.  such as improved adaptation
        opportunity. There is more to  an act ofGrand Strategic folly,  Biocharthat was buried in the  to climate change. This can be
        havinga free and fairelection  that will take a Barbara  Amazon basin (terra preta)  clearly seen on small farms in
        than holdinga ballot.     Tuchmantountangleindue    many centuries ago is still  Africa, which produce the bulk
           Before an election in  course, but in theirinsouciant  sequesteringcarbon and  offood on that continent. It
        Zimbabwe can pass as free and  arrogance to the effect on  boostingcrop yields.   would be betterto put food
        fair, substantial reforms are  Ireland, the Brexiteers have  PHIL WAGNER     and nutrition security first in
        required to align electoral law  shown theirtruest colours.  Golden, Colorado  Africa and to thinkofclimate
        properly with the constitution;  SIMON DIGGINS, COLONEL (RET’D)              effects as secondary benefits.
        scrub the voters’ roll ofpoliti-  Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire  You put forward two options  There is enough evidence from
        cal bias; make the Electoral                        forlimitingemissions: tax and  successful local community
        Commission truly indepen-  IfNorthern Ireland were to  subsidies. There is a third way:  action regreeningthe Sahelian
        dent; develop a conducive  remain in the EU afterBrexit  rationing. Governments are  zone to show that rushingto
        politics free from violence,  with a customs borderin the  able in principle to limit the  plant trees in the Sahara,
        intimidation, patronage,  Irish Sea, would this allow  wholesale supply offossil-  which an oil company in
        propaganda and hate speech,  Britain to keep its financial-  carbon fuels at the macro level.  Finland seems to be willing to
        backed by a strengthened  services passport by locating  They should do so, settinga  do to offset its carbon emis-
        Human Rights Commission;  such services to Belfast?  ceilingwith a progressive  sions, is not a good idea.
        andtoinvolveawiderrangeof  NEIL LUTTON              annual taper. They could then  OLAVI LUUKKANEN
        election observers.       Belfast                   leave the market through  Professor emeritus of tropical
           The path to the next elec-                       innovative pricing, including  silviculture
        tion in Zimbabwe should be  Negative emissions      capacity constraints, rising  University of Helsinki
        defined by the time required to                      blocktariffs and otherscarcity-
        implement and embed the   Underno circumstance should  pricingmechanisms, to allo-  Anot-so-pettycriminal
        reforms necessary to make it  a government offerrewards for  cate supplies at the retail level.
        credible. It does not help our  the extraction and storage of a  VILNIS VESMA  He was a successful thieffor 40
        democratic renewal to have a  by-product, especially carbon  Newent, Gloucestershire  years, but Willie Sutton isn’t
        quickbut failed ballot.   dioxide (“Suckingup carbon”,                       even recognised forhis memo-
        TAWANDA CHIMHINI          November18th). The incentive                       rable response when asked
        Executive director        forfirms to produce more of                         why he robbed banks: “be-
        Election Resource Centre  the stuffwould outweigh the                         cause that’s where the money
        RINDAI CHIPFUNDE          good intentions. In public                         is.” He had a farlongerand
        Executive director        policy we call this the cobra                      more prosperous careerthan
        Zimbabwe Election Support  effect. As an analogy to paying-                   John Dillinger, to whom the
        Network                   per-tonne ofcaptured carbon,                       quote was wrongly attributed
        Harare                    considera pay-per-rat pro-                         in “Disjointed” (November
                                  gramme. Let’s say the mayorof                      18th). But robbingbanks is no
                                  New Yorkwanted to put a dent                       longerfavoured by the most
                                  in the city’s rat problem (and                     enterprisingrobber. Times
        As a soldier, I served, like  believe me, there is one) by                   change, technology marches
        many thousands before and  offeringa sum foreach rat  Trees can play a bigrole in  on, and the old ways ofplun-
        afterme, in Northern Ireland.  killed. Any enterprisingNew  gettingus towards negative  deringgo out offashion. There
        We had no illusions that there  Yorkerwould start a rat farm.  emissions. Sustainable  are just too many ways for
        was a military solution; our  The rat problem would get  forestry has a double benefit  cleverthieves to steal today.
        role was to hold the line to  significantly worse.   because wood is both carbon-  TODD LANDAU
        create the space (and time) for  IZIAH THOMPSON     negative and a replacement for  Fairhope, Alabama 7
        a political solution. The Good  Policy analyst      carbon-positive building
        Friday Agreement was there-  Daily Clout            materials such as concrete and
        fore welcomed with reliefand  New York              steel. Meetingmuch ofthe  Letters are welcome and should be
        some sense perhaps, that a                          demand fornew buildings in  addressed to the Editor at
        lasting, peaceful solution for  I was surprised to see no men-  countries with booming  The Economist, The Adelphi Building,
                                                                                      1-11John Adam Street,
        Ireland might justify all the  tion ofbiocharin yourarticle.  populations, wood significant-  London WC2N 6HT
        suffering.                 This is a finely powdered  ly reduces the amount of  E-mail:
           To have all ofthat thrown  charcoal, made from biomass  carbon we need to scrub from  More letters are available at:
        away, with almost callous  and in effect immune to   the atmosphere usingmore
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