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Briefing South Africa                                                      The Economist December 9th 2017 23

        Captured state                                                           Also in this section
                                                                              25 Business and Jacob Zuma

        The ANC, the country’s ruling party, has the chance to loosen PresidentJacob Zuma’s
        grip on power. Itshould take it
             IVE us back our money!” shouts Cy-  of“state capture”. Unfamiliar elsewhere in  tector, Mr Zuma’s son  Duduzane drove
        “Gril Ramaphosa, deputypresident of  the world, the term is in widespread use in  them both to the Guptas’ house, where
        South Africa. A 5,000-strong crowd at the  South Africa, especially since the publica-  Ajay Gupta told Mr Jonas that they were
        Communist Party rally at Nelspruit Rugby  tion in October2016 of“State ofCapture”, a  going to make him finance minister. When
        Club in Mpumalanga, South Africa’s  report by Thuli Madonsela, the former  he rejected the proposal, Mr Gupta offered
        north-eastern province, picksup the chant.  public protector—an ombudsman whose  him 600m rand, asking if he had a bag in
        Mr Ramaphosa is campaigning to be elect-  powersare guaranteed bythe constitution.  which he could take 600,000 rand at once.
        ed leader of the ruling African National  It investigated claims that the three Gupta  Two months later Nhlanhla Nene, the
        Congress(ANC) and thusthe party’scandi-  brothers, business associates ofMrZuma’s  widely respected finance minister, was
        date for the presidency in 2019 at a confer-  son, Duduzane, had excessive influence  fired and replaced by an unimpressive
        ence that starts on December 16th. He and  over South African politics, from which  backbencher. That was on a Wednesday.
        Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, ex-wife and  they profited. Ms Madonsela concluded  The rand lost 9% of its value over the next
        protégée of Jacob Zuma, the current presi-  that there were many questions to answer,  couple of days. The new man, known as
        dent, are joint favourites. The central issue  and called fora judicial inquiry.   the “weekend special”, was removed after
        in the leadership contest is corruption.                             four days. Mr Gordhan was backin the job
           “December represents a binary mo-  Captive audience               by the followingMonday.
        ment for South Africa,” says Colin Cole-  The nub of the “state capture” argument is  Firing principled individuals under-
        man, head ofGoldman Sachs’s South Afri-  that Mr Zuma and his friends are putting  mines institutions, as the experience ofthe
        ca office. Mr Coleman supports Mr    state-owned enterprises and othergovern-  South African Revenue Service (SARS)
        Ramaphosa, as do COSATU (the trade-un-  mental institutions in the hands of people  shows. When the post-apartheid govern-
        ion movement, from which Mr Rama-  who are allowing them to loot public  ment came to power, the state was deeply
        phosa hails) and the South African Com-  funds. The result, accordingto Pravin Gord-  in debt. “The key in any society is the com-
        munist Party. Goldman Sachs, unions and  han, twice Mr Zuma’s finance minister,  pliance culture. In the apartheid era, it
        the Communist Party rarely find them-  fired most recently in March this year, is  wasn’tthere, because ofsanctions-busting.
        selves on the same side, but hostility to Mr  that “150bn-200bn rand ($11bn-15bn) has  That infected everything,” says Mr Gord-
        Zuma has made for strange—and numer-  been looted.” Some global companies are  han, who became commissioner of SARS
        ous—bedfellows. During his second term  implicated (see next story).  in  1999. Ivan Pillay, a former exile and
        in power, the president has alienated al-  The mostegregiousexample ofinterfer-  memberofthe ANC’sguerrilla wing, Umk-
        most all of big business, civil-society orga-  ence in political appointments concerns  honto we Sizwe, became head of enforce-
        nisations, the churches and the union  the finance ministry. In 2015, according to  ment. In the next decade the tax take on
        movement, alongwith much ofhis party.  evidence that Mcebisi Jonas, a former dep-  banks’ profits rose from 1% to 21% and the
           The principal charge againstMrZuma is  uty finance minister, gave the public pro-  number of individuals paying tax from  1
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