Page 13 - Perfect Phrases ESL Everyday Business
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working world for some time. It is intended to help you feel more
at ease in job-related experiences in the United States. The phrases
offered are not the only phrases you can use, but they give you a start-
ing point on which to build. Write notes in the Notes Sections with
new phrases you or others come up with while immersed in specific
How to Use This Book
Perfect Phrases for ESL: Everyday Business Life is organized into seven
parts, most of which are divided into several chapters. You may start
at the beginning and read through to the end. This is an especially
good strategy if you are in your country preparing to come to the
United States for employment. This also works if you have been in
the United States but are about to embark on your first work experi-
ence. Work experiences differ greatly from school experiences. You
might also choose to use this approach when changing jobs or mov-
ing up to a new position within the same company. In these cases,
reading through the entire book can give you the ABCs—Abstract,
Background, Confidence—and put some useful phrases at your
Of course, you may want to refer to Perfect Phrases for ESL: Everyday
Business Life on an as-needed basis. For example, if you are in a new
position that requires a lot of telephone work, turn to Part 3, Using the
Telephone. If this is your first trip to the United States and your first
time in an American company or the U.S. office of your multinational
company, Part 1, The Global Workforce, might be a good place to
Remember, this text is designed so you can write notes on the
pages following each part. Also feel free to underline or highlight
sections, dog-ear pages, or attach Post-it Notes. These memory
techniques will help you refer to useful information you may need
again. The book is small enough to carry with you in a briefcase or
pocketbook as a handy reference. Don’t be afraid or shy about add-