Page 22 - Perfect Phrases ESL Everyday Business
P. 22

Find a Mentor

             I need guidance.
             Would you mind helping me?

             Could you take me under your wing?
             I’m eager to learn more about company culture—would you
             have a moment over a cup of coffee to discuss it?
             Your knowledge about [the company, this position] is
             valuable to me. Are you available to talk about it with me

             I need to ask someone about this.
             Would you be the person I should ask?

             Do you mind if I ask you about this?
             Can you refer me to the right individual?

             Where do you think I can get help?
             Could you recommend someone in the [computer, sales,
             bookkeeping, human resources (HR)] department?
             Are there any training programs offered by the company that
             I might join?
             Can you suggest some self-study materials or training
             Is there a lunch and learn program?

          Phrases for Asking for Specifi c Help

             Do you know where I can [rent a car, buy gas, get a company
             manual, get help with my computer]?

             Is there a list of [personnel, telephone extensions, contact

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