Page 23 - Perfect Phrases ESL Everyday Business
P. 23
The Global Workforce
Is there a company calendar?
Does the company website list company rules?
Is there flextime here?
Who is the office administrator?
How do I order business cards?
Whom do I ask about IT problems?
The copier is jammed—whom do I tell about this?
Is there a [dress code, casual Friday policy]?
Where is the washroom?
Are there vending machines in the [pantry, break room,
Are there assigned parking spaces?
Where is [a good place for lunch, the nearest gas station, a
laundromat, a dry cleaners]?
How long is the lunch break?
Do you know where I can [make copies, schedule a conference
room, find previous reports]?
Culture Hints: It is impossible to generalize about an entire
country, especially one that is made up of many interacting
cultures such as the United States. There are, however, a few
characteristics that are generally associated with businesspeople
in the United States. American business culture looks favorably
upon individualism, initiative, and the competitive spirit. There
is an emphasis on individual achievement rather than on collec-
tive group efforts.