Page 18 - The Australian Womens Weekly Food
P. 18

Summer Lovin’ Breakfast

                                         “I love this super-easy method of poaching eggs.
                                         Once the water comes to the boil, remove the pan

                                         from the heat, cover and stand for 4 minutes.
                                         It’s that simple – you’ll always get a gooey yolk.”

                                                                           Louise Patniotis, Food Studio Manager

            EGGS BENEDICT                       to keep warm. Repeat with the       FRENCH TOAST
            PREP + COOK TIME 50 MINUTES (+ COOLING)                                 PREP + COOK TIME 30 MINUTES  SERVES 4
                                                3 Meanwhile, split the muffins
            SERVES 4
                                                in half and toast.
                                                                                    4 eggs
                                                4 Serve muffins topped with ham,
            8eggs                                                                   ½ cup (125ml) pouring cream
                                                poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and
            4 english muffins                                                       ¼ cup (60ml) milk
                                                chives. Sprinkle with black pepper.
            200g shaved leg ham                                                     1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
            ¼ cup finely chopped fresh chives                                       ¼ cup (55g) caster sugar
                                                HOLLANDAISE SAUCE
                                                                                    100g butter, melted
                                                Bring the vinegar, juice and
            HOLLANDAISE SAUCE                                                       8 thick slices white bread
                                                peppercorns to the boil in small
            1½ tablespoons white wine vinegar                                       2 tablespoons icing sugar
                                                saucepan. Reduce heat; simmer,
            1 tablespoon lemon juice                                                ⅓ cup (80ml) maple syrup
                                                uncovered, for 2 minutes or until
            ½ teaspoon black peppercorns
                                                liquid is reduced by half. Strain
            2 egg yolks                                                             1 Whisk eggs in medium bowl,
                                                through a fine sieve into a small
            125g unsalted butter, melted                                            then whisk in the cream, milk,
                                                heatproof bowl; cool for 10 minutes.
                                                                                    cinnamon and sugar.
            1 Make hollandaise sauce.           Whisk egg yolks into vinegar mixture.  2 Heat a quarter of the butter
            2 To poach eggs, half−fill a large  Set the bowl over a small saucepan  in a medium frying pan. Dip two
            shallow frying pan with water; bring  of simmering water; don’t allow water  bread slices into egg mixture, one
            to the boil. Break one egg into a cup,  to touch base of bowl. Whisk mixture  at a time; cook bread, in batches,
            then slide into pan; repeat with three  over low heat for 3 minutes or until  for 2 minutes each side or until
            more eggs. When all eggs are in the  thickened. Remove bowl from heat;  browned. Remove french toast from
            pan, allow water to return to the boil.  gradually whisk in the melted  pan; cover to keep warm.
            Cover pan, turn off heat; stand for  butter in a thin, steady stream,   3 Repeat step 2 to make a total
            4 minutes or until a light film of egg  whisking constantly until sauce  of 8 french toasts.
            white sets over yolks. Remove eggs,  is thick and creamy.               4 Serve French toasts dusted
            one at a time, with a slotted spoon                                     with the sifted icing sugar and
            and drain on paper towel; cover                                         drizzled with maple syrup.

            18                                                                                  AWW FOOD • ISSUE THIRTY FIVE
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