Page 13 - The Australian Womens Weekly Food
P. 13
On The Cover
We’ve given spaghetti and meatballs a fresh new
twist by making the spaghetti out of zucchini.
The result is a lighter dish that’s also gluten−free.
MEATBALLS WITH 1 Squeeze meat from sausages.
ZUCCHINI SPAGHETTI Add garlic; mix to combine.
Roll mixture into 16 balls.
PREP + COOK TIME 30 MINUTES SERVES 4 2 Heat oil in a large frying pan COOK’S
over medium−high heat. Cook
Spaghetti−like strands are created
meatballs, in batches, for 3 minutes or NOTES
from zucchini in this recipe and used
until browned all over. Return all
instead of actual pasta, making it a
meatballs to pan. Add tomatoes,
great low−carb, gluten−free option.
passata and half the basil; bring to the MEATBALLS WITH
boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, ZUCCHINI SPAGHETTI
750g gluten−free beef sausages
for 5 minutes or until meatballs are Use flavoured sausages
2 cloves garlic, crushed
cooked through. Season to taste. instead of plain, if you
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 Meanwhile, using a julienne peeler prefer. You can also cook the
450g mixed baby heirloom tomatoes, sausages whole, then slice
or spiraliser (see cook’s notes), cut
halvediflarge before adding them to the
zucchini into “spaghetti”.
2 cups (560g) passata tomato mixture.
4 Add zucchini and half the
(Italian cooking sauce)
parmesan to sauce mixture; stir
¼ cup coarsely chopped fresh basil To create the long pasta-like
gently. Serve sprinkled
6 medium zucchini (900g) strands of zucchini, you’ll
with remaining basil
½ cup (40g) finely grated parmesan need a julienne peeler or
and remaining parmesan. spiraliser. A julienne peeler
looks like a wide-bladed
vegetable peeler with
a serrated rather than a
straight blade. A spiraliser
is a hand-cranked machine
designed to cut vegetables
into noodles or ribbons.
Both are available from
kitchenware shops.