Page 11 - The Australian Womens Weekly Food
P. 11

News To Snack On

                                                                                               WHAT’S ON

                                                                                              THIS MONTH


                                    One of Kellogg’s most popular cereals, Special K,
                                    has been reinvented. The new range was specially
                                    formulated for women after research showed that
                                    a quarter of females suffer from vitamin D deficiency.
                                    Find Special K with vitamin D in three yummy
                                    flavours at supermarkets.                                      FEAST-IVAL
                                                                                            Not much beats meeting makers and
                                                                                             watching their creations come to life.
                                                                                             Well, at Cellar Door Fest you can do
                      SUGAR & SPICE                                                            just that. The annual food and
                                                                                              beverage festival will be held from
               CSR Dark Brown Sugar adds a rich flavour and                                  March 2-4 in the heart of Adelaide.
             colour to both sweet and savoury cooking creations.
               It balances aromatic spices, making it a great
             addition to savoury dishes such as marinades and
                  curries. For more, visit                                      AFTERNOON ‘TEAL’
                                                                                                February is Ovarian Cancer
                                                                                             Awareness Month – and the time to
                                                                                             make a difference. Ovarian cancer
                                                                HERE’S THE                    has the lowest survival rate of any
                                                                                              women’s cancer, so Aussies are
                                                              LATEST SCOOP                      urged to show their support,
                                                                                              particularly on Teal Ribbon Day,
                                                             Maggie Beer has served up         February 28. Host or attend an
                                                              another inspired dessert,        Afternoon Teal, or simply buy
                                                             Chocolate, Coffee & Biscuit        a teal ribbon. For more, visit
                                                             Ice Cream, with silky swirls and
                                                              of decadent Vino Cotto. A
                                                              luscious finale to a special
                                                               meal! Find it at gourmet
                                                              and independent stores.

            LIKE A BREATH

            OF FRESH AIR                                                                        KEEPING IT REEL

                                                                                              Apollo Bay Seafood Festival will be
            Take a walk in the produce garden with                                            back from February 16-18 on the
            Mr Town Talk’s new cleaning products.                                            shores of the beautiful Victorian bay.
                                                                                             The festival will showcase the finest
            They boast natural fragrances and are
                                                                                               local seafood and produce the
            environmentally friendly, too. Aromas                                                district has to offer. Visit,
            such as Basil & Lime and Tomato                                          
            & Pomegranate will permeate your
            home, bringing the outdoors in.
            For more,
                                                                                                If you have a food event coming
                                                                                                   up, please email us at

            AWW FOOD • ISSUE THIRTY FIVE                                                                           11
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