Page 26 - The Australian Womens Weekly Food
P. 26

Summer Lovin’ Freezer

                                            “To prevent your frozen masterpiece from melting
                                            too quickly, pop the platter that you plan to

                                            use into the freezer 20 minutes before serving.”

                                                            Sophia Young, Editorial & Food Director, AWW Cookbooks

            CHOCOLATE PARFAIT                   2 Stir sugar and the water in a small
            WITH ORANGE SALAD                   saucepan over medium heat, without
                                                boiling, for 2 minutes or until sugar
            PREP + COOK TIME 30 MINUTES (+ FREEZING)    dissolves. Bring to the boil; boil,
            SERVES 8                            uncovered, without stirring, for
                                                3 minutes. Remove from heat; add
            Parfait, meaning “perfect” in French,
                                                chocolate, stir until melted and
            describes the wonderfully light texture
                                                syrup is smooth.                         COOK’S
            of this frozen chocolate dessert. Make
                                                3 Beat egg yolks in a small bowl
            sure you use a chocolate with at least
                                                with an electric mixer for 3 minutes     NOTES
            70% cocoa solids to get the best
                                                or until pale. Gradually pour in
            chocolate taste.
                                                chocolate syrup, beating constantly
                                                until mixture is cool.
            ⅔ cup (150g) caster sugar                                                    CHOCOLATE PARFAIT
                                                4 Beat cream and mascarpone in a         WITH ORANGE SALAD
            ⅔ cup (160ml) water
                                                medium bowl with an electric mixer       Dutch cocoa has an alkali
            200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa),
                                                until soft peaks form. Fold chocolate    added to it to neutralise
               chopped finely
                                                syrup, brandy and half the almonds       its acidity and make it
            5 egg yolks
                                                into cream mixture. Pour mixture into    more soluble. It has a
            300ml thickened cream
                                                pan; level surface. Cover; freeze for    richer flavour and darker
            ¾ cup (185g) mascarpone cheese                                               colour than regular cocoa
                                                6 hours or overnight until firm.
            1 tablespoon brandy                                                          powder. It’s available from
                                                5 Make orange salad.
            1 cup (80g) natural flaked                                                   specialty food stores and
                                                6 Turn out parfait; top with
               almonds, toasted                                                          some supermarkets.
                                                remaining almonds. Dust with sifted
            2 teaspoons dutch cocoa
                                                cocoa. Serve sliced with orange salad.
               (see cook’s notes)
                                                ORANGE SALAD
            ORANGE SALAD
                                                Remove rind and white pith from
            3 medium oranges (720g)
                                                oranges. Working with one orange
            1 tablespoon honey
                                                at a time, hold it over a medium bowl;
                                                remove segments by cutting down
            1 Line base and sides of an
                                                between each side of the membrane
            8cm x 22cm terrine or loaf pan
                                                and segment. Place segments in
            with baking paper, extending the
                                                a bowl. Squeeze juice from the orange
            paper 5cm above long sides.
                                                membrane. Drizzle with honey.
            26                                                                                  AWW FOOD • ISSUE THIRTY FIVE
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