Page 30 - The Australian Womens Weekly Food
P. 30
Summer Lovin’ Freezer
FROZEN MANGO SALTED COCONUT 6 Pour mixture into pan; freeze for
1 hour or until mixture has thickened
slightly. Swirl through passionfruit
PREP + COOK TIME 30 MINUTES (+ FREEZING pulp; freeze for at least another
& STANDING) SERVES 8 3 hours or overnight until firm.
7 Stand semifreddo at room
100g brandy snap biscuits (see tip)
temperature for 5 minutes before
2 tablespoons finely chopped
2 cups (500ml) coconut cream inverting onto a platter.
toasted macadamias
(see tips) Top with coconut flakes,
20g butter, melted
6 eggs, separated extra passionfruit
2 large mangoes (1.2kg)
⅓ cup (115g) raw honey and mint to serve.
1 tablespoon caster sugar
or pure maple syrup
1 tablespoon lime juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
400g fresh ricotta
½ cup (50g) coconut milk powder
¾ cup (165g) caster sugar, extra
1 teaspoon sea salt flakes
300g sour cream
⅓ cup (80ml) fresh passionfruit pulp
2 medium mangoes (860g),
½ cup (25g) unsweetened
sliced, extra
coconut flakes
2 limes, sliced thinly
¼ cup (60ml) fresh passionfruit
pulp, extra
1 Grease a 14cm x 22cm loaf pan;
1 tablespoon micro mint or small COOK’S
line base and sides with two layers
mint leaves
of foil, extending the foil 10cm over NOTES
edge of pan.
1 Pour coconut cream into a medium
2 Blend or process biscuits until
metal bowl; place in the freezer for
they become fine crumbs; transfer
30 minutes or until chilled.
to a medium bowl. Stir in nuts and SALTED COCONUT &
2 Grease a 9cm deep, 11.5cm PASSIONFRUIT SEMIFREDDO
butter until combined. Using your
x 20cm loaf pan. Line with baking Use a brand of coconut
hands, press biscuit mixture lightly
paper, extending the paper 5cm cream that states it is 100%
over base of pan. Cover; freeze for
over sides of pan. natural on the label. Coconut
20 minutes or until firm.
3 Beat egg yolks, 2 tablespoons cream that has “emulsifying
3 Meanwhile, slice cheeks from
of the honey and extract in a small agents” added (it will state
mangoes; discard skin and seeds. this on the label) may cause
bowl with an electric mixer on high
Blend or process mango, sugar the semifreddo to separate
for 5 minutes or until thick and pale.
and lime juice until smooth. into creamy and watery layers.
Transfer to a large bowl.
Transfer to a medium bowl.
4 Beat egg whites in a clean small
4 Blend or process ricotta and extra You’ll need about nine
bowl with an electric mixer until soft
sugar until smooth. Add sour cream; passionfruit for the amount
peaks form. Gradually add remaining
blend or process until just combined. of pulp required.
honey; beat until thick and glossy.
5 Drop alternate spoonfuls of mango
5 Whisk chilled coconut cream, You could also peel the
mixture and ricotta mixture over
coconut milk powder and salt in a flesh of fresh coconut with
biscuit base in pan; using a butter
medium bowl until slightly thickened. a vegetable peeler, if you
knife, gently swirl the mixtures. Level
Gently fold egg whites and coconut prefer, and substitute it for
surface. Cover; freeze overnight, or
cream mixture into egg yolk mixture. the coconut flakes.
until firm.
6 Turn mixture out of the pan onto a
platter or board; remove foil. Decorate
with extra mango slices and lime.
Stand for 15 minutes before serving.