Page 128 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 128

               WATER SYSTEMS
                On a more basic level, there is
               another threat rarely mentioned by the
               authorities. British and American forces
               serving abroad share a common bond:
               Every serving man and woman needs safe,
               potable water. Recent U.S. intelligence
               reports indicate that water supplies in the
               Near East, Central Asia and even Africa
               could present terrorists with potential
               targets. Further, there are at least 20
               documented instances of the use (or the
               threat) of chemical or biological agents
               against water supplies.
                A study completed at the Naval
               Postgraduate School in Monterey,    › This
                                                photo from
               California, by former Lieutenant   a pre-World
               Commander William Monday, U.S. Navy,   War II gas
                                               mask drill in
               covered this aspect in a thesis titled   London shows
               Thinking the Unthinkable: Attacking   the lack of
               Fresh Water Supplies. Commander   of the potential
               Monday’s original thesis was simple: Not   impact that
               only is an attack on our water supplies   weapons
               possible, it also has the potential to   can have on
                                                the human
               achieve mass casualties. The corollary   organism.
               here is that it all needs to be properly
               planned and executed.                     Similarly, in Romania during the December 1989 revolutionary fighting, the water supply of
                The information needed to do so is      the city of Sibiu was poisoned with an organophosphate.
               available—and has been for decades—       The threat to water supplies in Third World countries has prompted a dozen studies in the
               Monday declared. As he stated, it is “there   United States in the past few years. Most center on a specific theme: that Western forces in
               for the taking” on Internet “cookbooks.” It   remote regions increasingly find themselves without adequate supplies of good water.
               is interesting that almost for the duration   Reports of this kind of activity come from all over. The ITAR-TASS news agency reported
               of his studies on the subject, Commander
               Monday’s mentors were skeptical about
               his objectives, and it says much that his
               report got an immediate classified rating
               after it appeared. It remains under a
               heavy security restriction.
                Commander Monday cited several
               recent instances of chemical agents
               having been used against water supplies.
               An interesting case study involved the
               poisoning of water tanks with potassium
               cyanide at a Turkish Army base outside
               Istanbul in March 1992. Two large, empty
               boxes were found alongside the water
               tanks, and the perpetrator appeared
               to have generated a layer of foam that
               caused suspicion and led to investigation.
               It was later concluded that the attack
               was initiated by the Kurdish PKK.

                                              › In this literal
                                              example of the
                                               blind leading
                               S OU RC E      the blind, these
                                              men of the 55th
                   Eric Croddy: Chemical and Biological   British Division
                                              were casualties
                   Warfare: An Annotated Bibliography   who lost their
                   (Scarecrow Press, London & Lanham,   sight after a
                               Maryland), 1997   poison gas
                                               attack during
                                                World War I.

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