Page 130 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 130


                          PREVENT THE TRAUMA

                               iolent protests and riots seem to be occurring in greater   day. We need to be more mindful of the topics that are causing strife in the
                               frequency now than in the decades since the 1970s, adding   areas we travel through and to.
                               yet another credible and growing threat to our list of things   Doing this will help us become more attuned to the warning signs for
                               to watch out for.                    potentially dangerous gatherings and situations. It will also enable us to
                      V With people's patience being tested on so many levels—  ensure we leave home with the appropriate gear and mindset if we have
                     and social media, political and social organizations, and mainstream news   to venture into potential hotspots, as well as prompt us to seek alternate
                     outlets fanning the fl ames of vituperative opposition that reduces open   routes if we have no choice but to enter areas of concern.
                     discourse to name-calling and hate speech—many fi ngers are already fi rmly   In scenarios such as this, we can’t over-emphasize the importance of
                     on fi gurative triggers.  Where we used to learn and grow and maybe even   becoming a “gray” man or woman. As you read in “Reducing the Risk of
                     convert the occasional listener with the give and take of honest and open   Riots” by Larry Schwartz, staying below the radar—everyone’s radar—will
                     dialogue, sharing an opinion today is often the fi rst step down the path   be essential for your safety and ability to get home at the end of the day.
                     toward a heated argument … or worse.           In addition, knowing the areas you’ll be moving through, as well as the
                      “Traditional” anxieties about the world in which we live are compounded   optional routes and relatively safe places available along each path, might
                     by escalating concerns about our national and personal safety, fi nancial   make the di erence between a horrifi c experience and a success story.
                     stability and the erosion of basic rights. With all these frazzled nerves, we’re   As you evaluate your situation and your options, remember the little things
                     living in a sort of domestic, or even localized, “Cold War.” Many people are   that can have a big impact on your safe movement.
                     waiting for the smallest sign of something they feel vaguely threatened by   I have gotten into the habit of suggesting that people peel those cute
                     or don’t like as a justifi cation to strike out on one level or another.  stickers o  their vehicle windows that show an inventory, as well as the
                      This social friction makes it easier to gather like-minded people together to   genders and potential ages, of the families that ride inside so they don’t
                     protest actions and issues that bother or threaten them; hence the increase   provide these details for miscreants. If parking your car “nose out” for quick
                     in these events. And the increasing tendency to "think" with one’s often   egress would draw attention, fi nd a spot in the lot or garage that gives you
                     misguided and misinformed emotions—instead of employing logic in these   an advantage of another sort—such as against a wall or fence or near and
                     circumstances—makes it more likely that these gatherings will disintegrate   between the elevator and stairs.
                     into episodes of civil disobedience and lawless rampages.  As always, the best solution will be to know your potential enemy as
                      Because most of us spend a fair amount of time away from home, this   completely as possible so you have a decent chance of anticipating and
                     situation can have a signifi cant e ect on how we make our way through the   avoiding their actions.


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