Page 15 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 15
When asked about the e ectiveness of Tasers
and stun guns, a corrections o cer I know said
that they do work but not to count on them to
be e ective every time.
Heavy clothing can keep them from working—
but that isn’t the most significant problem.
The worst-case scenario is also the one in
which you really do need it to work every time;
‹ Stun guns
create a highly and that is when someone is high on drugs and
electrical doesn’t have the normal reaction to pain and
arc between electrical shock. When they are that high, they
two contacts
located at can develop a superhuman kind of strength
the front of and resistance against which stun guns,
the device.
Applying it to a Tasers and other measures are ineffective. So,
person’s body
will cause them remember to have your plans B, C and D ready
to temporarily in case you need them.
lose control of
their muscles.
(Photo: Media.
… TRAINING AND PRACTICING ONLY “Escalation of force” means using the
FOR SCENARIOS THAT END WITH A right amount of force to remove or negate
BANG LIMIT YOUR OPTIONS. the threat. If you are just showing that
you are ready and willing to fight to make
the attacker back down, that is what you
should do. If your opponent is just trying
to stop you from doing something and not
threatening you with bodily harm, a non-
lethal approach is definitely called for. If
they escalate their actions and you feel
threatened with bodily harm, less-than-
lethal methods should be your next step …
followed by lethal force, if it gets that far.
A key point to remember is that every
time you step it up a notch, the other
person might do the same instead of
backing down. You need to be prepared
for that contingency. What gives you
the ability to go up and down that force
‹ Tasers, continuum are options, in terms of
although they skills and tools.
work on the
same principle Don’t count on just one tool or
as stun guns,
transmit their technique. Have a variety of options
electric shock ready so that when one fails you can go
through barbs
at the end of to Plan B, C or D. Sometimes, stun guns
the wires (seen don’t work on an attacker, and Tasers
feeding out
of the front of can be ineffective against heavy clothing.
this device). And nothing works on someone hopped
(Photo: Media. up on drugs.
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