Page 16 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 16
LETHAL, LESS-LETHAL AND ‹ Above: Krav Maga implements are designed to kill someone and should only be used if that is what the
NON-LETHAL techniques are situation calls for: You should use lethal force only if you truly fear for your life or the lives
fast, to the point
Every year, military and law enforcement and very effective. of others and you can’t otherwise stop the aggressor.
The whole concept
organizations conduct more non-lethal behind this style is “Less-lethal” is intended, and designed, to stop the aggressor, but without killing them.
and less-than-lethal training, because to end the conflict However, depending on the situation, it can be lethal. Items in this category that civilians
as quickly as
they understand that lethal methods possible—ideal for can get include bean bag shotgun projectiles, stand-off electro-shock devices such as
are not always the best approach. They individuals who Tasers and close-in electro-shock devices such as stun guns.
cannot depend on
might not work; they can have negative physical strength Non-lethal devices are intended to incapacitate, confuse or delay the aggressor without
and well-practiced
political and public relations effects; techniques. killing or permanently injuring them. The items available to the civilian populace in this
and there might not be enough time or category include pepper spray, flashlights and handheld striking tools such as kubotans
distance to use them. or tactical pens.
When it comes to defending yourself The items just discussed are available to civilians for self-defense. Law enforcement
in a fight, a home invasion or a mugging, and military organizations have other, more sophisticated, products available to them
there are three levels of force you might (water cannons, tear gas, pepper spray, paintball shotgun shells, shotgun shells that act
choose—or be forced to use: lethal, less- like Tasers and microwave transmitters that cause pain and nausea). Although they are
lethal and non-lethal. Each has its place, effective, they are not available to the general public.
and each is a little different.
“Lethal” is just that—potentially deadly STUN GUNS
force that can, and most likely will, kill A stun gun is a close-in tool for self-defense. It is battery-operated and generates
someone. The options in this category a high-voltage, low-current charge across two electrodes. When pressed against an
that are available to civilians include attacker’s body, it will cause the muscles to twitch uncontrollably, making the person
weapons such as handguns, rifles, lose control of their body. It is an excellent non-lethal tool when used correctly, but it can
shotguns, and knives and other edged become less-lethal or lethal if used incorrectly. It is most effective when used against
tools. It can include sticks and clubs if exposed skin or light clothing, because the charge needs to make contact with the skin. It
they are used in a lethal manner. These is not effective against someone wearing multiple layers or thick clothing.
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