Page 31 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 31


                                                                                 PEACEFUL TO


                                                                              As already mentioned, protests are organic events that can
                                                                             change dramatically with just a small incident. People who
                                                                             take part in a protest are there because they are passionate
                                                                             about the topic, so they often act based on emotion, not
                                                                             rational thought. Mounting frustration when their “opponent”
                                                                             isn’t doing what they want, an unintentional shot, a single
                                                                             act of vandalism or police use of riot-control techniques
                                                                             are all things that can turn frustration into acts of violence,
                                                                             vandalism and theft.
                                                                              Staying calm is the key to keeping the flame away from the
                                                                             fuse that feeds the powder keg.

               when I see tra  c slowing down on my daily commute, I will check my GPS to see what   ‹ Above: Protests   ESCAPE ROUTES
                                                                        are based on
               might be causing it and then take a new route the fi rst chance I get to bypass it. Do the   things that   But where do you go? Research has
               same thing when walking or driving in the city.          people are     shown that the best strategy is to move
                                                                        passionate about.
                Another way to get news of trouble as soon as possible is to use social media (Facebook,   They often end   along connecting streets and safe alley-
               Twitter and Instagram), through which people tend to share their lives and their world  peacefully, but   ways that run at right angles to the location
                                                                        sometimes, they
               in their posts.                                          can turn violent   or direction of travel for the rioting. Then
                                                                        due to activists
                                                                        or outside     move at least a few blocks away before
                                                                        agitators. (Photo:   continuing on your way.
                                                                                       If you are stuck in the middle of a block, look
                                                                                       for large businesses like hotels or o  ce buildings.
                                                                                       These often have entrances on more than one
                                                                                       side of the building so you can walk through
                                                                                       them to get to the next street over.
                                                                                       If you have time before you visit the
                                                                                       area, you should look for possible escape
                                                                                       routes from the areas you expect to be in.
                                                                                       You should also look for places that could
                                                                                       turn into choke points that could slow
                                                                                       your movement out of the area or which
                                                                                       might be locations where protesters
                                                                                       planned to block traffic.

                                                                                       AVOID AREAS

                                                                        ‹ Left: Bean bag   PROTESTERS
                                                                        shotguns (such
                                                                        as this one with   AND LAW
                                                                        orange furniture
                                                                        to show it is a   ENFORCEMENT
                                                                        nonlethal device)
                                                                        are another way
                                                                        to safely control   MIGHT COME
                                                                        crowds and
                                                                        stop assaults by   INTO CONFLICT.
                                                                        rioters or violent
                                                                        protestors. (Photo:
                                                                                 [ASGMAG.COM]  AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE  31

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