Page 34 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 34


              YOUR CAR AS

              A WEAPON!

               Protestors blocking the road, especially when you are trying to
              get to work or pick up your kids, are extremely frustrating and
              infuriating. You might want to just drive through them slowly
              (or not so slowly) and expect them to get out of the way. That
              might have worked 10 or 20 years ago, but not today.
               Your car is still a deadly, 2-ton weapon, and you can be
              charged with assault or attempted murder if you decide to
              drive through the crowd. Your best bet is to try to back out of
              the area the way you came, rather than trying to get past the
              roadblock the crowd has created.

                If you can change your clothes to look like   › Above right: The
                                               presence of the
               those around you, do it. Take o  or cover   media, in all its
                                              forms, can have
               any political slogans, team a  liations or   both positive and
               anything else that might say you disagree   negative effects
                                                 on a crowd.
               with what the protest is about.   Sometimes,
                Stay calm, don’t shout, don’t run, don’t   media presence
                                              can make things
               interact with others you don’t need to,   happen, because
               and don’t make eye contact unless you   were waiting
               are spoken to.                  for someone to
                                              cover what they
                                                had planned
               DEALING WITH LAW                 to do. (Photo:
                Interaction with law enforcement is the eas-
               iest way to get into trouble if you don’t do it   › Right: If you
               correctly. But doing it correctly isn’t that hard.  find yourself
                                                 in a location
                If you do interact with law enforcement,   where you think
               whether civil or military, do what you are   something might
                                              happen, take the
               told, don’t argue (but you should be able   first opportunity
               to ask appropriate questions politely and   that presents
                                                 itself to take
               respectfully), don’t make any aggressive   a side road or
               actions, such as getting closer or taking o    even an alley
                                                (such as this
               your shirt or jacket, and move out of the   one) to move   you want to avoid problems as you move away from the area where the protest or riot
                                               away from the
               area as quickly as you can without drawing   potential action.   is happening. That is also an area you will most likely fi nd riot-control techniques—
               attention to your exit.          Move at least   tear gas, water cannons and crowd-control maneuvers—being used.
                                                 three blocks
                Remember, law enforcement personnel   away before
               are there to help maintain the peace and   continuing on   USE OF FORCE
                                                your journey.
               to keep you and everyone else safe. They   (Photo:   Just because you can use force does not mean that you should! Many might think that
               also can’t tell a good guy from a bad  because they are armed or have some form of weapon, they should use it when confronted
               guy by their appearances so, if you are    with a rioting or violent mob situation.
               not cooperative, they will treat you as a   The best way to handle any fi ght is to avoid it if at all possible. Escalating a situation is
               potential bad guy.                         rarely a good idea. This is especially true when you do not know what your opponent’s
                Your best bet is to avoid areas           capabilities are or how many people you need to defend against.
               where law enforcement person-               The riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, demonstrated how quickly one or
               nel are located. There will likely         two looters can grow into a few dozen looters. They also showed how demonstrations can
               be problems where protestors and           quickly go from peaceful to rocks and bottles being thrown to police cars being burned.
               law enforcement interact, and               Remember: Stay within the law; don’t escalate the situation.


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