Page 52 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 52


               (DRAWN FROM AMAZON.COM*)

               SURVIVAL KNIFE            $20.00

               CHEMLIGHT                 $12.00/10
               HATCHET                   $15.00
                                                              ›  Keep a
                                                            month’s sup-
               FLASHLIGHT                $10.00             ply of critical
                                                           medications in
                                                            your bag, and
               DUCT TAPE                 $6.50               rotate them
                                                            out monthly.
               AA BATTERIES              $12.89/24
                                                                      KEEP AT LEAST A MONTH
               NYLON CORD                $5.50
                                                                      AHEAD ON YOUR CHRONIC
                                                                      MEDS, AND ROTATE YOUR
               AVIATOR KIT BAG           $25.00
                                                                      STOCK THROUGH
               WIRE                      $4.85
                                                                      YOUR BUG-OUT BAG.
               TACTICAL RUCKSACK         $40.00

               WATER FILTER              $39.98                        Consider the mission. If all you have to do is get your stu  from the
                                                                      house to your tricked-out doomsday survival vehicle, most any cloth
               TWO-PERSON TENT           $50.00                       carrier would do. If you might have to actually hump this stu  any
                                                                      distance, weight and pack design can make the di erence between
               SURVIVAL WATER POUCH      $8.00                        success and failure.
                                                                       Building a bug-out bag is a fun exercise. You can put as much or as
               PONCHO                    $20.00                       little money into the project as desired, but planning your bag can help
                                                                      you develop a survivor’s mindset before the zombies actually arrive.
               MRE                       $13.00
                                                                      Think through eventualities, consult family members to get their input,
                                                                      and be logical about the process.
               WEATHER RADIO             $21.00
                                                                       If you don’t feel like accumulating all this stu  yourself, there are sev-
                                                                      eral reputable companies that advertise
               MOUNTAIN HOUSE MEAL       $5.60
                                                                      regularly in the pages of this very
               STERNO                    $19.00/6                     publication that can do the
                                                                      heavy lifting for you. Ours is
               MOUNTAIN HOUSE TIN        $20.00                       the most refi ned consumer
                                                                      society in human history.
               SLEEPING BAG              $30.00                       If you need it, somebody
                                                                      has it for sale.
               FERROCERIUM FIRE STARTER   $8.50
               LIFEBOAT MATCHES          $4.85
                                                                       The wailing of
                                                                      our leftist friends
               CIGARETTE LIGHTER         $1.50
                                                                      in the face of a true
                                                            ›  Right: A de-
                                                          cent first aid kit   crisis, you will want
                                                            can certainly   a proper weapon. A
                                                             be handy if
               *Note: These prices are provided for reference only; all prices are  anyone gets   river of ink has been
               subject to a broad range based on the particulars of the items   injured. A   spilt on this subject,
                                                            spare pair of
               selected.                                   eyeglasses can
                                                           also keep you   and I, myself, enjoy
                                                             in the fight.  nothing more than

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