Page 54 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 54
but something a bit scarier might hold you › Right: Bug-out
bags can be
in better stead. Plan your ammo out in tailored to fit
advance so you aren’t having to scrounge your budget. The
black bag was a
something downrange. cheap purchase
at a local big-box
If you choose to store a fi rearm with your store. The tan bag
bug-out bag, make absolutely certain it is pre-packed from
is in a place and a condition so that little Echo-Sigma. The
tote in front was
free as a market-
fi ngers can’t get into it. There are plenty ing promotion. All
of inexpensive contrivances to help you do three will carry
this. Plan for weathering the next tragedy, your stuff at least
as far as your
but don’t set yourself up for one by storing vehicle.
dangerous stu irresponsibly.
You’ll need shelter. If you are driving, that
will likely be your vehicle. However, if there
are too many folks to sleep comfortably or
if you might end up on foot, it sure would
be nice to stay dry and out of the rain. A
decent tent isn’t necessarily expensive, and
the disposable sort is downright cheap.
A military surplus poncho will keep the in the morning, listening to the track of an oncoming tornado. A proper radio can, indeed, bring
rain o while you are on the move. It also peace of mind.
makes a decent improvised shelter. All it If you are in a chilly place, keeping warm becomes a priority. Making a fi re is the obvious
takes is a little nylon cord, a properly sited solution, but that might not always be practical. A couple of Sterno cans will keep you
sapling to keep the top elevated and about toasty and heat your dinner without producing much visible fl ame.
20 minutes to put one together. Keep in mind that your body does not tolerate the products of combustion in enclosed
It is nice to be able to keep up with the spaces, so if you’re burning something, make sure you have plenty of fresh air.
outside world. The cell system will likely If you are driving, you can obviously carry lots of stu you might or might not need. If
be knocked out or overwhelmed if things you are hoofi ng it, weight and bulk can become critically limiting. I try to keep one of each.
really go sideways. There is a light pack with the bare essentials that is lightweight and handy. A larger, bulkier
A portable weather radio will keep you ‹ Below: A sleeping bag packs the nice-to-haves and is easy to throw into the back of the SUV. As always, let
abreast of government warnings and updates. bag for each mem- your own unique circumstances drive your gear.
ber of your party
Mine includes both a solar cell and an onboard can be a lifesaver in
colder climes. The
dynamo to keep it going. My family and I have cheap, disposable THE IMPROVISED “DISTRACTINATOR”
spent a couple of evenings here, in the Deep sort can be handy … Smoking is stupid—no matter how you slice it. However, disposable cigarette lighters can
as long as it doesn’t
South, huddled over that thing at 2 o’clock get terribly cold. be remarkably versatile survival tools. In addition to starting fi res, they can be improvised
into a simply superb distraction device.
Take a short piece of fi ne wire and wrap it length-wise around the lighter so that it
depresses the activation lever. Then, suspend the lighter, inverted from a handy branch or
stob. Strike the striker and run. The fl ame wraps upward around the lighter and melts through
the pressurized gas container in about a minute, producing a splendid boom. You’ll not
seriously weaponize this thing, but it makes for a marvelous distraction.
How might this be practically useful? It’s tough to say. Care must be taken
to avoid inadvertently starting a fi re, and the resulting noisy detonation is
relatively harmless at all but close ranges. However, if you are trying to escape
someone with evil intent, such an improvised device will inevitably draw
attention elsewhere.
In cooler climes, a compact sleeping bag for each member of
your party can be critical. Modern sleeping bags are lightweight,
inexpensive and effective.
You can sleep in it—of course. However, if you are
trapped in a vehicle or are otherwise unable to
travel, spending as much time as possible in
your sleeping bag minimizes heat loss and can
reduce your caloric requirements as a result.
Lay your jacket or spare clothing over the
top to enhance the bag’s insulative qualities.
Also remember to insulate whatever you are
sleeping on. Stretching a sleeping bag out on
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