Page 38 - Trends
P. 38

Cover Story

               Tourism; getting resilient

               195 million
               Region is expected to host 195 million international tourists –
               almost triple the present volume of 72 million – by 2030

               550 projects
               GCC hospitality industry is expanding with
               currently over 550 projects underway

           It becomes important for governments in the region to provide the right kind of   IRU WHFKQRORJ\ FRPSDQLHV WR EH RQ D ÀUP
                                                                                   IRRWLQJ DQG UHDS EHQHÀWV RI WKH )RXUWK
           environment and stimulate the investment required in digital infrastructure.  ,QGXVWULDO 5HYROXWLRQ
                                                                                    $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 0HQD $QQXDO 9HQWXUH
           comprising 160 million digital users by   the Middle East nations are going digi-  5HSRUW         UHJLRQDO  VWDUW XSV  VHFXUHG
           2025, who could contribute up to 3.8 per-  tal, be it with the creation of smart cities,        PLOOLRQ LQ IXQGLQJ ODVW \HDU  7KH UH
           cent annually in GDP —  amounting to ap-  the automation of services or the use of   gion has emerged as a perfect launch pad
           proximately $95 billion. To create an econ-  DUWLÀFLDO  LQWHOOLJHQFH   $,   RU  GDWD  DQD   IRU  QHZ  FRVW HIIHFWLYH  ÀQWHFK  VROXWLRQV
           omy out of this digital-savvy population,   lytics. They are creating an ecosystem   and the growth of tech start-ups. Nearly
                                                                                   500 start-ups in the region are growing in
                                                                                   a very supportive environment.
                  $475 MILLION           $100 MILLION            100 MILLION        0HDQZKLOH  WKH SDFH RI ÀQWHFK LQQRYD
                                                                                   WLRQ LQ 0(1$  HVSHFLDOO\ LQ WKH *&&  KDV
              According to the Mena An-  The Middle East region has   In UAE, entrepreneurship and   been rapid over the past couple of years,
             nual Venture Report 2017, the   amassed more than this   start-ups will create new jobs   primarily on the back of investors’ unmov-
                 regional start-ups    amount in the fintech   and absorb a large chunk from   LQJ  FRQÀGHQFH  LQ  VWDUW XSV   7KH  0LGGOH
              secured funding worth this   start-up funding in the   this number of new jobless   East has amassed more than $100 million
                 amount last year.       past ten years.       people in Arab world.  LQ ÀQWHFK VWDUW XS IXQGLQJ LQ WKH SDVW WHQ
                                                                                   \HDUV   $V  PDQ\  DV       ÀQWHFK  VWDUW XSV

           38 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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