Page 36 - Trends
P. 36

Cover Story

               PPPs; new growth engine

               $185 billion
               Value of PPP projects across the Middle East region has
               more than doubled to $185 billion in over a year

               $44.4 billion
               Kuwait tops the list with PPP projects worth $44.4 billion

               $36 billion, $27.6 billion, $17.5 billion
               It is followed by Libya ($36 billion), UAE ($27.6 billion)
               and Saudi Arabia ($17.5 billion)

               40 percent to 65 percent
               Saudi Arabia plans to increase the private sector investment
               in the GDP from current 40 percent to 65 percent by 2030

           “Development across the region is encouraging, but it’s obvious that a lot of        IURP    SHUFHQW LQ       WKH 6XO
                                                                                   WDQDWH·V ÀQDQFH PLQLVWU\ VDLG
           work is still needed to attract FDIs and facilitate greater participation…”
                                                                                   Promising sectors
             7KH 333 PRGHO LV DOVR EHLQJ XVHG IRU   billion of funding is through the PPP   6LQFH WKHUH·V D VSHFLDO HPSKDVLV RQ EXLOG
           the extension of the red metro line in   PRGH DQG DQRWKHU     ELOOLRQ LV SXUHO\   ing infrastructure across the Middle East,
           'XEDL WR WKH ([SR      VLWH  %DKUDLQ·V   IURP WKH SULYDWH VHFWRU  2PDQ KDV LQ   the construction market has registered a
           DW PRUH WKDQ     ELOOLRQ  RI ZKLFK       LQ LQYHVWPHQW SURJUDPV WR    SHUFHQW LQ   ing to MENA Research Partners, a leading
                                                                                   research company in the region, the con-
                                                                                   VWUXFWLRQ  PDUNHW  LQ  WKH  *&&  FORFNHG
                  52 PERCENT              30 PERCENT             $130 BILLION      SHUFHQW JURZWK UDWH LQ WKH FXUUHQW ÀQDQFLDO
                                                                                   \HDU  ZLWK      ELOOLRQ RI FRPSOHWHG SURM
             Oman has increased the private   According to MENA Research   Completed projects worth this   HFWV DV FRPSDUHG WR      ELOOLRQ LQ
               sector’s participation in   Partners, the construction   amount, compared to $100 bil-      ,Q WKH UXQ XS WR WKH :RUOG ([SR LQ
              investment programs to 60   market in the GCC clocked   lion in 2016-17, were registered   DQG RWKHU PHJD HYHQWV LQ WKH UHJLRQ  SURM
              percent in 2017 from this   this percent growth rate in the   by the construction market in   HFWV ZRUWK      WULOOLRQ  HTXLYDOHQW WR
                percentage in 2014.    current financial year.  GCC this financial year.  SHUFHQW RI WKH *&&·V *'3  DUH EHLQJ SXU
                                                                                   sued in the regional construction market.

           36 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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