Page 32 - Trends
P. 32

Cover Story

               Saudi Arabia;
               Kingdom of vision

               Under Vision 2030 and National Transformation Program,
               Riyadh has begun the process to privatize utilities

               It is offering stakes in state-run organizations

               $200 billion
               Idea is to create new opportunities for the private sector
               and raise $200 billion for economic and social development

               16 entities
               Authorities have identified 16 entities as top
               priorities for a sell-off

               100 opportunities
               They have zeroed in on over 100
               opportunities for pursuing PPPs

           “The role of the private sector has been on a rapid upward trajectory, primarily   Under the Vision 2030 and National
                                                                                   Transformation Program, Riyadh has be-
           targeting consumer-driven sectors such as retail, logistics and industrials.”  gun the process of privatizing utilities and
                                                                                   offer stakes in state-run organizations to
           transportation, power and water, manufac-  Expanding role               create new opportunities for the private
           turing and energy where projects worth   Among all of the GCC countries, Sau-  sector and raise $200 billion for econom-
           more than $1 trillion are in the pipeline,”   di Arabia has ambitious plans to impart   ic and social development. Authorities
           says Anthony Hobeika, CEO, MENA Re-  more responsibilities to the private sector   have conducted detailed valuations and
           search Partners.                    for its economic revival.           LGHQWLÀHG    HQWLWLHV DV WRS SULRULWLHV IRU D
                                                                                   sell-off and more than 100 opportunities
                                                                                   for pursuing public-private partnerships
                     16                  2.3 PERCENT             2.7 PERCENT       (PPPs). Its plans for privatization also in-
                                                                                   FOXGH VHOOLQJ D ÀYH SHUFHQW VWDNH LQ 6DXGL
              Local authorities have con-  Most rating agencies and   Oxford Economics report says   Aramco, the world’s biggest producer of
             ducted detailed valuations and   global organizations forecast   GCC economies are set to   oil, later this year, and handing over all
                identified this number   the regional GDP growth to   enjoy their fastest expansion in   airports to private players.
              of entities as top priorities   recover to this percentage on   three years with this   Oman has almost completed the trans-
                  for a sell-off.      an average in 2018-19.  percentage of growth.  fer of its waste management infrastruc-
                                                                                   WXUH WR LQWHUQDWLRQDO RSHUDWRUV  ,WV ÀQDQFH

           32 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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