Page 28 - Trends
P. 28

Special Report

                                                                                   Ennahdha. The second was when, on
                                                                                   January 18, 2017, Riahi provocative-
                                                                                   ly urged the President of the Republic
                                                                                   to call for early presidential elections,
                                                                                   construed by many as his admission to
                                                                                   having failed in the mission for which he
                                                                                   had been elected three years earlier.
                                                                                    However, some of the main leaders of
                                                                                   the UPL had understood this impending
                                                                                   downfall and opted to switch parties be-
                                                                                   IRUH 5LDKL·V ÀQDO VZLSH DJDLQVW WKH KHDG
                                                                                   of state. For example, Hatem el-Euch,
                                                                                   State and Land Affairs Minister, and
                                                                                   Mohsen Hassen, Commerce Minister
                                                                                   in the Essid government, walked out of
                                                                                   Riahi’s party in August and December
                                                                                   2016, respectively.

                                                                                   Possible reconciliation
                                                                                   However, a reconciliation appeared pos-
                                                                                   sible between Palace of Carthage (the
                                                                                   presidential palace of Tunisia and the
                                                                                   seat of the President) and the president
                                                                                   of the UPL when the latter agreed to en-
                                                                                   courage his parliamentary group to vote
                                                                                   in favor of the law of administrative rec-
                                                                                   onciliation, voted by the ARP on Sep-
                                                                                   tember 13, 2017. In return, he received
                                                                                   an audience with Essebsi six days later,
                                                                                   IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LQ D \HDU
                                                                                    Did the businessman expect this meet-
                                                                                   ing to end with all of his legal troubles
                                                                               © AFP  eroding? It may have been possible, but
                                                                                   the opposite happened. Just 24 hours af-
                                                                                   ter his meeting with Essebsi, Riahi was
           Over the next several months, far from improving, the relations between   banned from leaving the country.
                                                                                    His ordeal may not be over yet. He also
           the President of the Republic and Riahi stretched to a breaking point.  gave up the reins of prestigious African
                                                                                   Club and on October 2, 2017, Yosra Mili,
           of thought further. Over the past three   and brief  reconciliations. Over the next   a member of the UPL Political Bureau,
           years, the leader of the UPL has indeed   several months, far from improving, the   DQQRXQFHG WKH KROGLQJ RI WKH SDUW\·V ÀUVW
           made the mistake — probably fatal — of   relations between the President of the   congress in mid-December and the ap-
           pretending to treat himself as an equal   Republic and Riahi stretched to a break-  pointment at a very short notice of a gener-
           of the two most prominent Tunisian   ing point.                         al coordinator — a newly created post. Its
           politicians, President Béji Caïd Esseb-                                 holder will inherit most of the prerogatives
           si and the leader of Ennahdha, Rached   The fall begins                 of the party’s founder Riahi. Therefore, it
           Ghannouchi. And it was hard for these   The rupture was completed in two   appears Riahi’s troubles are far from over
           leaders to let this pass easily. The histo-  VWDJHV  7KH ÀUVW ZDV ZKHQ  RQ 0D\       and it will be of great interest for the Mid-
           ry of their relationship with Riahi, since   2016, the UPL announced its exit from   dle East and North Africa region to wit-
           2014 in particular, is a long succession   the government coalition, despite an at-  ness how the upcoming months unfold for
           of clashes, acrimonious confrontations   tempted mediation by the president of   this charismatic leader.

           28 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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