Page 27 - Trends
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than 55,000 votes, only 0.56 percent of
           the total, and a single deputy seat.

           Garnering mass support
           Learning from this bitter failure, he
           vowed to catch up in the next election
           and started putting together the means
           to do so. Strengthened by the jackpot
           transferred to Tunisia — amounting to
           nearly €200 million — the businessman
           decided to take a shortcut to boost his
           popularity and that of his political par-
           ty by buying a football team, the safest
           and fastest way to gain the support of the
           working classes.
             The president of the UPL then set his
           sights on the African Club, the most pop-
           ular club in the capital, with Espérance
           Sports Tunis. To this dynamic mobili-
           zation weapon of sports, Riahi added
           another equally effective measure to
           mobilize crowds and win mass support
           — the media. After expressing interest
           in 2012 in Dar Assabah, one of the oldest
           and most important press groups in the
           teri, son-in-law of former President Ben
           Ali), but without taking it to its logical
           conclusion, the businessman bought the
           frequencies of the television station At-
           tounissia in April 2013. But because of   © AFP
           problems erupting between the trans-
           feror and a former foreign owner of the
           Attounissia frequencies on the one hand   The president of the UPL then set his sights on the African Club,
           and the legal battle that its founder Sami
           Fehri dished out at him on the other, Ri- the most popular club in the capital, with Espérance Sports Tunis.
           ahi could never take effective control of
           the television channel.             integrated into the coalition govern-  in Paris, which opened the way to the
             However, all this did not prevent the   ment then formed and led by Habib Es-  historic compromise between veteran
           UPL — which hadn’t even existed three   sid, in which it holds three portfolios:   Tunisian politician and current president
           years ago on the political spectrum —  State Domains and Land Affairs, Youth   Béji Caïd Essebsi and Tunisian politi-
           from coming third in the legislative   and Sport, Environment and Sustain-  cian and thinker Rached Ghannouchi.
           elections of November 2014 and obtain-  able Development.                Undoubtedly, Riahi was then at the
           ing 16 seats of deputies in the Assem-                                  SHDN  RI  KLV  LQÁXHQFH  DQG  SRZHU  ³
           bly of the Representatives of the People   Historic compromise          which perhaps eventually made him lose
           (ARP), slightly ahead of the Front Pop-  It was not surprising, given the ideolog-  his sense of reality and provoked the
           ular (15 deputies), but far behind Nidaa   ical proximity — the UPL is, like Nidaa   vertiginous fall he is experiencing to-
           Tounes (86) and Ennahdha (69). It was   Tounes and Ennahdha, a conservative   day, a fact that can hardly be ruled out.
           an encouraging start for a new party  force — that its leader Riahi was one of   In any case, his political behavior since
             Thus, it was quite natural that the   the main forces who facilitated and or-  the day after the elections at the end of
           third political force of the country was   ganized the meeting of August 15, 2013,   2014 only serves to encourage this line

                                                                                                    February 2018  |  TRENDS 27
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