Page 22 - Trends
P. 22

Focus: Iran

           Iranian politics have long been rife with corruption allegations. December saw   “The trigger was supporters in Mash-
                                                                                   KDG  RI  ,EUDKLP  5DHLVL  >ZKR  KHDGV  WKH
           the latest round of accusations between Ahmadinejad and the Larijani brothers.  foundation managing Mashhad’s shrine
                                                                                   and who stood unsuccessfully in the 2017
           recapitalize banks and address non-per-  Rouhani also faces political prob-  general election],” Saeid Golkar, visiting
           forming loans should start immediately,”   lems. The protests began with the prin-  Assistant Professor of Politics at the Uni-
           3XUÀHOG VDLG  DGGLQJ WKDW WKH FRVW RI UH-  ciple-ists, who have long accused the   versity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, tells
           capitalizing banks could be covered with   Rouhani government and its supporters   TRENDS. “They forwarded messages,
           long-term government bond issues.   of high living.                     including some with the emblem of the
                                                                                   ORFDO %DVLM >WKH ,5*& OLQNHG PLOLWLD@  HQ-
                                                                                   couraging people to demonstrate against
                  $5 BILLION             12.4 PERCENT            50 PERCENT        poverty and high prices. But after a few
                                                                                   hours, they lost control and protests ap-
              French oil and gas firm Total   In prioritizing fiscal discipline   Rouhani’s recent proposal to   peared in other cities.”
             reached an agreement worth   to bring down inflation, Iranian   raise gasoline prices by this
             this amount to lead a consor-  government has left   percentage was another major   Combating corruption
              tium to develop phase 11 of   unemployment rate officially    bone of contention    Iranian politics have long been rife with
               the South Pars gas-field.  at this percentage.     in the protests.  corruption allegations. December saw
                                                                                   the latest round of accusations between

           22 TRENDS  |  February 2018
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27