Page 20 - Trends
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Focus: Iran

                                                                                                                     © Reuters

           BMI ranks Iran in 12th place in its Operational Risk Index for Middle East and   The last of these increased in January
                                                                                   2018, when US president Donald Trump
           North Africa, citing factors such as “stringent” and “onerous” labor laws.  suggested the US will withdraw from
                                                                                   the 2015 nuclear deal in April and im-
           to gain access to advanced technolo-  its Operational Risk Index for Middle   pose new sanctions. These would be in
           gy and to meet a need for investment   East and North Africa, citing factors   addition to existing US sanctions that
           the government has put at $150-$200   such as “stringent” and “onerous” labor   are unrelated to the nuclear program.
           billion. But energy and other would-  laws, the “pervasive presence of the   Trump has strengthened those targeted at
           be investors are cautious. BMI ranks   state in the economy” and “the risk of   the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
           Iran in 12th place out of 18 states in   inter-state conflict”.         (IRGC), whose wide and often opaque
                                                                                   business operations foreign investors
                                                                                   are concerned to avoid. If the US were
                  2.7 MILLION            0.8 PERCENT             $11.8 BILLION     to leave the nuclear deal, it is far from
                                                                                   clear that Europe, Russia, China and Iran
             European Union sanctions have   Growth has only just begun   Iran’s foreign direct investment   would maintain it.
              enabled Iran to double its    to broaden the non-oil sector,   (FDI) rose from around $4
              oil and condensate exports    says the IMF, which puts non-  billion in 2011 to this mark    Facing a downfall
               to nearly this number of   oil growth for the Iranian year   in 2017, according to    Politics affects Iran’s relations with the
                  barrels a day.      2016-17 at only this mark.  government figures.  Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) coun-
                                                                                   tries. Iran’s trade with the UAE was strong

           20 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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