Page 16 - Trends
P. 16

Focus: Saudi Arabia

                                                                                                                     © Reuters

           For an unknown period of time, KSA and Israel have been cooperating behind   /LPLWLQJ :HVWHUQ LQÁXHQFH  LQ WKH UH-
                                                                                   gion — and thereby increasing his own
           the scenes and, in late 2017, reports of their rapprochement become open.   LQÁXHQFH ³ DSSHDUV WR EH 3XWLQ·V JRDO
                                                                                   )RU  KLP  LW·V  ]HUR VXP ³  IRU 3XWLQ WR
             ,Q KHU DQDO\VLV SUHSDUHG IRU TRENDS,   Kingdom may also hope that, by moving   win, the West has to lose and, to the ex-
           %RUVKFKHYVND\D  SRLQWV  RXW  WKDW  6DXGL   FORVHU WR 5XVVLD  LW FDQ OLPLW 0RVFRZ·V   tent that he moves closer to Saudi Arabia,
           Arabia appears to be coming around   SDUWQHUVKLS  ZLWK  ,UDQ   %RUVKFKHYVND\D   he moves closer to that goal.
           WR 0RVFRZ·V YLHZ RQ 6\ULD ³  LQFOXG-  says, while noting that that outcome ap-  0LOLWDULO\   6DXGL  $UDELD·V  FKDOOHQJ-
           LQJ  6\ULDQ 3UHVLGHQW %DVKDU DO $VVDG·V   pears a little doubtful.      es will continue to include Yemen and
           FRQWLQXLQJ RFFXSDQF\ RI WKH 3UHVLGHQW·V   “The Kremlin will welcome the invest-  Syria with little change in sight, ac-
           RIÀFH  ³  DQG  KDV  GHFLGHG  WKDW   IURP  D   ments, of course, but that is not going to   cording to Kubursi. “Saudi Arabia has
           pragmatic point of view, it has to deal   change its political orientation,” she says   failed in its war in Yemen,” he says, in
           with Moscow.                        in her analysis.                    spite of overwhelming military supe-
                                                 5XVVLDQ  3UHVLGHQW  9ODGLPLU  3XWLQ·V   riority and countless airstrikes by the
           Boosting investment                 priority has always been the survival of   Saudi-led coalition.
           The recent visit to Moscow by Saudi   his own regime and he believes that, to   “You have the richest Arab country
           King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud   VXUYLYH  KH KDV WR XQGHUPLQH WKH 8QLWHG   attacking the poorest and that alone
           points to this, along with massive plans   6WDWHV·  VXSUHPDF\  VSHFLÀFDOO\  DQG  WKH   will create the seeds for problems,” he
           for Saudi investment in Russia. The   West more broadly.                notes, adding that Saudi Arabia had

           16 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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