Page 18 - Trends
P. 18

           Focus: Irancus: Iran

           On the Threshold

           Reeling from stagnation, inflation and unemployment, the Iranian economy is making
           meticulous attempts to revive its old glory and strike amiable relations with its neighbors.

           By Gareth Smyth, Tehran

           O    n December 18, 2017, a visiting   $KPDGLQHMDG  KDG  SXUVXHG  UHFNOHVV  LQ-  a relaxation of United States and Euro-
                delegation from the International
                                               ternational policies, including the nu-
                                                                                   pean Union sanctions enabled Iran to
                Monetary Fund gave a generally
                                                                                   double its oil and condensate exports to
                                               clear program that had isolated Iran and
                upbeat assessment of the Iranian
           economy, estimating 4.2 percent GDP   sparked international sanctions, damag-  nearly 2.7 million barrels a day. Growth
                                                                                   KDV RQO\ MXVW EHJXQ WR EURDGHQ WKH QRQ
                                               ing the Iranian economy. By 2015, Rou-
           JURZWK LQ WKH FXUUHQW ÀVFDO \HDU HQGLQJ   hani reached an agreement with six world   oil sector, says the IMF, which puts non-
           in March. Ten days later, protests broke   powers that saw Iran limit its nuclear pro-  oil growth for the Iranian year 2016-17 at
           out in Iran’s north-eastern Iranian city   gram in return for an easing of sanctions.   only 0.8 percent.
           of Mashhad, spreading within days to   “This gave Iranians an eagerness and op-  Iran’s foreign direct investment (FDI)
           many other cities and centered on peo-  timism that a new era was beginning for   rose from around $4 billion in 2011 to
           ple’s anger over price rises, unemploy-  them,” said the professor. “But Rouhani is   $11.8 billion in 2017, according to gov-
           ment and corruption.                not succeeding with his message of hope.   HUQPHQW ÀJXUHV  )UHQFK RLO DQG JDV ÀUP
             “It was an explosion,” an Iranian profes-  Iranians are starting to think nothing is   Total reached a $5-billion agreement in
           sor told TRENDS. “The people arrested   going to change.”               July 2017 to lead a consortium to devel-
           were mainly under 25; many were high-                                   RS SKDVH    RI WKH 6RXWK 3DUV JDV ÀHOG
           school students. For them, the economy   Scaling up                     apparently after receiving assurances it
           is not the whole story, but it is the most   The IMF believes the Rouhani adminis-  would not face US punitive action.
           important. All of my family and friends   WUDWLRQ KDV PDGH SURJUHVV  7LJKWHU ÀVFDO   Attracting the interest of the large en-
           WDON DERXW LQÁDWLRQ DQG WKH ODFN RI MREV µ  GLVFLSOLQH KDV EURXJKW LQÁDWLRQ  GRZQ   ergy companies is vital for Iran to exploit
             ,W  KDV  EHHQ  ÀYH  \HDUV  VLQFH  +DVVDQ   from more than 40 percent to approxi-  the world’s largest combined hydrocar-
           Rouhani was elected president, when he   mately 11 percent. Recession in 2013 was   bon reserves, 158 billion barrels of oil
           argued that his predecessor Mahmoud   transformed into growth largely because   and 33 trillion cubic meters of gas, both

           18 TRENDS  |  February 2018 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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