Page 17 - Trends
P. 17

           to join the GCC. The bombings and ci-
           vilian casualties will mean damage and
           civilian deaths will mean continuing
           men shows no signs of resolution in the
           short-term, meaning Saudi Arabia fac-
           es continuing expense and enmity. And
           it is high time to reach on an amiable
             The Kingdom has also taken losses
           in Syria. “They invested very heavi-
           ly and transferred weapons and paid
           insurgents and got basically nothing,”
           Kubursi says, pointing out that the Syr-
           ian army is increasing its control and
           encroaching on rebel-held areas. At this
           particular juncture, the country has two
           choices, neither of them very appetiz-
           ing, according to Kubursi.
             “They can pull get out and cut their
           losses, or remain embroiled and lose
           more,” he explains.

           Finding the answers
           more solutions to falling oil prices and
           tion than at present.
             ,W GRHV KDYH LWV ORQJ WHUP VWUDWHJLF   © Reuters
           SODQ   WKH  6DXGL  9LVLRQ         +RZHYHU
           not enough time has elapsed to grasp
           whether it will eventually become suc-  Politically, the full fallout continues from the arrests last November of more
             The new taxes will boost non-oil rev-  than 200 prominent Saudi princes and businessmen on corruption charges.
           enues but, at the same time, the govern-
           ment plans to boost expenditures while   DSSUR[LPDWHO\    SHUFHQW RI H[SHQGLWXUHV   ´,  KDYHQ·W  VHHQ  WKH  NLQG  RI  ORFDO  «
           DFKLHYLQJ  D  EDODQFHG  EXGJHW  E\          go to government salaries.  driving economic growth and employ-
           Within the present outlook, the combina-  Notwithstanding the eventual reso-  ment.” Also unclear is the length of time
           tion may not work.                  OXWLRQ  RI  WKHVH  GLIÀFXOW  GHFLVLRQV   WKH   necessary for Crown Prince Mohammed
             ´,I  \RX  ORRN  DW  WKHLU  SODQV  WR  DFKLHYH   country faces several uncertainties, in-  bin Salman to complete his corruption
           D  EDODQFHG  EXGJHW  E\         WKH\  SODQ   cluding its business relationships with   FUDFNGRZQ  VXIÀFLHQWO\  WR  LQFUHDVH  WKH
           to increase expenditure every year un-  outside companies.              comfort level of foreign multinationals a
           WLO       µ  *ULIÀWKV  VD\V   ´7KHLU  SODQ  WR   “The biggest uncertainty to me is   PDMRU NH\ WR WKH .6$·V DELOLW\ WR GLYHUVLI\
           balance the budget depends on rising oil   whether they can continue to invest in the   the economy.
           prices and oil will continue to be a very   kind of ecosystem [necessary] for doing   No less important is the fact that these
           large part of government revenue for the   EXVLQHVV LQ WKH NLQJGRP µ *ULIÀWKV VXJ-  uncertainties include to what extent the
           foreseeable future.”                gests. This means making areas such as   population will accept the new taxes
             The new revenues will help but, at this   regulations and legal infrastructure more   DQG KRZ ZHOO WKH JRYHUQPHQW·V VWLPXOXV
           time, the target of a balanced budget still   responsive and transparent as the state   SDFNDJH  ZLOO  ZRUN   ,WV  WKH  SHUIHFW  ZDLW
           depends on rising oil prices. Meanwhile,   continues to evolve.         and watch situation.

                                                                                                   February 2018  |  TRENDS 17
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