Page 12 - Trends
P. 12

Focus: Saudi Arabiacus: Saudi Arabia

           It’s Complicated

           The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stands at a complex crossroads and the decisions it takes now
           will almost certainly have strong domestic, regional and global implications for years to come.

           By Al Emid, Riyadh

           T    he Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cur-  DQG UHÁHFWHG WKH &URZQ 3ULQFH·V  SRZHU    many of whom were discontented and dis-
                                               H[SODLQV  *UDKDP  *ULIÀWKV   6HQLRU  $QD-
                rently stands at so many crossroads
                                                                                   gruntled at the long history of government
                — and rather complex ones, it may
                                                                                   funds being appropriated by members of
                                               O\VW DW WKH 'XEDL RIÀFH RI &RQWURO 5LVNV
                be added — that a short magazine
                                               specializing in political, security and in-
                                                                                   tailored to be a kind of popular and popu-
           article cannot do more than just consider   D JOREDO ULVN DQG VWUDWHJLF FRQVXOWLQJ ÀUP   the political and economic elite. “This was
           some of the more striking examples. The   tegrity risk. “This was the result of the po-  list move and, on that score, the reaction
           paths that KSA chooses at these cross-  litical emergence and consolation of power   to it amongst the general public seemed to
           roads will affect its relationships with its   of [the Crown] Prince,” he says during an   have been, in many cases, quite positive,”
           own population, its neighbors in the Gulf   LQWHUYLHZ LQ KLV 'XEDL RIÀFH  %LQ 6DO-  *ULIÀWKV VD\V
           Cooperation Council, as well as with Rus-  PDQ·V  WDUJHWV  LQFOXGHG  SRZHUIXO  SULQFHV   7KH SURPLQHQW SURÀOH RI WKH SULQFHV DQG
           sia and with the West. Politically, the full   who controlled large ministries. “They   EXVLQHVVPHQ LQ ODVW 1RYHPEHU·V ZDYH RI
           fallout continues from the arrests last No-  DOVR  FRQWUROOHG  VLJQLÀFDQW  HFRQRPLF  UH-  arrests suggests that the government will
           vember of more than 200 prominent Saudi   sources of those ministries that they could   not undertake any future actions on the
           princes and businessmen on corruption   use to distribute money to their clients and   same scale, although less senior govern-
           charges. The sweep also netted billions in   also feed it back to themselves in some   PHQW RIÀFLDOV FRXOG VWLOO EH FKDUJHG ZLWK
           decision maker for the sweep was Crown   the Crown Prince to strike a blow at those   While this episode has no direct-line
           Prince and Minister of Defense Moham-  networks and continue centralizing eco-  impact outside of the country to date, it
           med bin Salman Al Saud, who had earlier   nomic power in government hands.   could still reduce multinational compa-
           consolidated his power.                                                 QLHV·  LQWHUHVW  LQ  GHDOLQJ  ZLWK  WKH  6DX-
             The sweep recalibrated the nexus be-  Joining hands                   di Arabia. That would slow the inward
           tween business and politics in the country   The sweep appealed to the Saudi public,   ÁRZ RI IRUHLJQ GLUHFW LQYHVWPHQW  )',  E\

           12 TRENDS  |  February 2018 TRENDS  |  February 2018
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