Page 7 - Trends
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E-mail:  th
                                                                                              Managing Editor:
                                                                                                Alkesh Sharma
                                                                                              Bill Sellars, Al Emid,
                                                                                                Tim Kennedy,
                                                                                              Karthik Subramanian
                                                                                            Deputy Creative Director:
                                                                                              Jean-Christophe Nys
                                                                                                Art Manager:
                                                                                                Sandy Farah

                                                                                       London: Gerald Butt Beirut: Gareth Smyth
                                                                                             New York: Aline Sara
            48                                                                         Senior Business Development Manager:
                                                                                                Marc Sleiman
           WFES                                                                               +(971) 52 633 3378
           GREEN GOALS                                                              Publishing (Abu Dhabi)
                                                                                    U.A.E.: United Printing and
                                                                                    N˚ Commission Paritaire 1201 K80 202
                                                                                    – N˚ ISSN 0983-1509
           Regional governments are laying down futuristic energy plans
                                                                                               PUBLISHED BY
                                                                                               Medialeader FZ
           and making huge investments to meet set targets                                  A Mediaquest Company

                                                                                      Europe: 27-29 rue Raffet – 75016 Paris, France
                                                                                     TEL: +(33) 1 40 50 54 16 – Fax: +(33) 1 40 50 54 54
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                          SHOPTALK                                                  Tel: +(961) 1 49 28 01/2/3 – Fax: +(961) 1 492 801
                          PANERAI BEAUTY                                                     Founder: Yasser Hawari
                          For many years, the Luminor Logo has been one                     Co-CEO: Alexandre Hawari
                                                                                             Co-CEO: Julien Hawari
           64             of the bestsellers of the Panerai collections                  Editorial Director: Elizabeth McGlynn
                                                                                           VP Operational: Aziz Kamel
                                                                                     Head of Finance and Accounting: Girish Kumar
                                                                                        Head of Circulation: Harish Raghavan
                                                                                            KSA GM: Walid Ramadan
                                                                           , Tel: +966 1 419 4061
                                                                                            Lebanon GM: Peggy El-Zyr
                                                                          , Tel: +966 70 40 45 44
                                                                                           North Africa GM: Manuel Dias
                                                                              , Tel: +33 1 4766 46 00
                          LAST WORD

                          TAKING THE WHEEL                                          Reproduction in whole or part of any matter appearing in TRENDS is
                          Bruce Robertson, Managing Director, Jaguar Land Rover MENA,   prohibited by law without the prior written approval of the publishers. Opinions
                                                                                    expressed in TRENDS do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers
           66             discusses the future of self-driving cars in the Middle East   and editorial staff of the magazine. The publishers do not hold out any guaran-
                                                                                    tee as to its accuracy, neither do they indemnify any loss arising through use of
                                                                                    WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ  $OO GROODU     SULFHV DUH 86 GROODUV  XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VSHFLÀHG
                                                                                                    February 2018  |  TRENDS 7
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